INFINITE WISDOM It has come to my attention that I do not - TopicsExpress


INFINITE WISDOM It has come to my attention that I do not understand many things. I dont understand why the bird on our money has no neck. I dont understand why nothing on this planet can replace Coca Cola products. I dont understand why the man down the road with a nose that covers half his face has a beauty queen for a wife and beautiful kids; how come that nose didnt go down the blood line? How did she not see that nose? Does he have another body part just as big that makes up for the big nose? Okay. I digress. I cant stop thinking about the nose. I dont understand things like that. I also dont understand phrases that newly born again Christians feel they must throw in a conversation. How are u? I say. God is good, I am blessed today. His grace is sufficient. the response. Nice shoes. I say. My sister, Christ is the superstar. the response. O_o .Okay. I get it. New religious discoveries are overwhelming and the gospel must be shared but some of those things are as out of place as my neighbors nose. Remember how I said I dont understand anything? Keep that in mind. Over two decades ago I was born and I happened to have my mother’s face. That hasnt changed. One time I was starving and I decided to buy juice. In the queue at KFC, this man in front of me looks at me the entire time then when he gets to the front he buys double portions of everything and drags me out of the queue. I have a dirty mouth so Im there trying to select a language to insult him when he says, you are Elenas daughter. Your face is exactly like hers when she was in her 20s. He then proceeds to explain how he knows my mother and long story short, he gave me lunch and money for a drink. Each and every one of my friendships have a story, how we met, why we are still friends. I have a strange friendship with a certain human being. On the surface we are as opposite as two people can be but below the surface our paths seemed to have been designed to clash into each other and then synchronize to the point where I can no longer see myself without this friendship. Remember when I said I dont understand some things? Yeah, Im still on that. Ive seen certain things play out in a way that has nothing to do with my prowess. Ive seen random emails turn into money made. Ive seen a smiley in Mxit turn into a five year relationship. Ive seen hunters dry and a black dress turn into a tragedy. Ive seen a greeting turn into an affair one cannot shake. Ive seen a headache result in death. Ive seen diarrhea result in missing a bus that later gets involved in a fatal accident. Ive seen a thought less tweet start a twar that ended a friendship. There are those little deciding moments that change lives and I dont understand why. I dont possess the wisdom to. But I know who does. It’s for this reason that I use my own religious phrase in conversation. It’s in his infinite wisdom. I use this phrase at funerals, birthdays, break ups, broke times, good times (and sometimes when looking at certain noses.) As a thinker I struggle with disliking being in the dark. But this phrase helps me keep calm and acknowledge that at least the wisdom is possessed somewhere. Take chances, believe in something, fall in love, eat ice cream, and cook paella. Go to a matebeto, eat everything, and get diarrhea. Write a song, sing that song and become a singer or laugh at how you are never going to be a singer. Stay indoors and go offline. Do your thing. Dont regret whats done, work hard, live your life and know that in his infinite wisdom there is a plan that works out for your good. So remember how I dont understand some things? I dont understand or know who this being is to you because our journeys are personal. But you best believe that it’s in his infinite wisdom that you are alive and literate enough to read this note.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 09:16:38 +0000

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