INSPIRATION WITHOUT TRUTH: Good morning everyone, how is - TopicsExpress


INSPIRATION WITHOUT TRUTH: Good morning everyone, how is everyone? First things first, I have to give a shout out to my Heavenly Father and my Big Brother Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thanks for waking me up this morning. Without Your will for me, I am nothing. Id like to ask for everyone whom I offended, please forgive me. I am like all of you, human. I make mistakes like the next man. The difference is, the saved and unsaved, the believers and non-believers. Im not here to bash anyones religion or church. I am here to preach the word of God as its being taught to me. My teacher is Jesus Christ, He is also my Big Brother. The reason I say, Big Brother is, what does a big brother do for us? He sacrifices Himself for you. He stands up for you against a bully. He is a leader to His younger siblings. Why does He do this? Because He loves us, He is not selfish and just thinks about Himself and what He gains from it. The way Im being taught is through The Holy Spirit. I read my bible and before I read, I pray. I pray for wisdom and knowledge, and after I read I ask what is it Im suppose to learn from this. My preaching may be unorthidox to many, but I preach the truth, the whole truth. The good, the bad and the ugly. Which leads me to the topic. Inspiration Without Truth leads to false hope. How do you know if what the preacher is saying is completely true? The answer is simple, read Gods word for yourself. Study Gods word to show yourself approved before God. When you read or when youre in church, dont think the message wasnt for you to hear. The message being preached, if preached the way God intended for it to be preached. One of three things should you gain or feel: 1) Knowledge or Wisdom of the word. 2) Understanding of the word. 3) Conviction by the word. Yes, I said conviction. None of us are completely innocent. Yes, the blood Jesus shed for us on the cross, washes us clean. Think of it as an exspongment to your criminal record, because thats what it is. Jesus is like a defense attorney against Satan the prosecutor. God being the judge. Hell(prison) wasnt made for us, it was made for Satan and the fallen angels. Here on earth, people who are tried and found guilty or convicted of theyre crimes, go to jail or prison. In a spiritual sense, we go through trials and conviction lets us know that something in your life isnt right in the eyes of God(The Judge). He loves us enough to show mercy, give us a chance to make right when we make a mistake, thats where His forgiveness comes in. To learn the lesson He is trying to teach us. HAVE A BLESSED DAY! *ISAIAH JOHN*
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 16:57:44 +0000

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