INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Women deprived of their rights Posted by - TopicsExpress


INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Women deprived of their rights Posted by bolan voice To Ismail Mazari For women and Men Readers Women are deprived of their fundamental rights not just in our society but in other societies as well. Theirwomens-rights natural emotions are overridden. They are not allowed to pass their lives in their style; they are killed in the name of custom or religion in our society which is increasing. Being the half population of a society, women have many rights, the right of decision-taking, the right of expression, the right of gaining education, the right of having equal respect a man has in a society rather more than that because without women a society is like a airplane without wings. So if an airplane doesn’t have wings it is equal to nothing and can also fall from sky to earth in seconds but if it has the wings then the same wings will take the airplane to the sky. I mean women can play an immense roll in a society. Any society is incomplete without woman. It contains the half population of the society, so how a society can develop without having the efforts of women. Men feel proud to do violence on their women and name it bravery or manhood, but they should know that a woman is not the enemy of a man rather she is there in every problem with men, a big and only support of a man is women. The same man is kicked out in some places and there are women to embrace him in their time of difficulty. Why the same man feel so proud to do violence on them and they take their anger on women every time. This shows the weakness of a man but still they do not feel hesitation to call women weak. If fiercest men understand and know their character in history or know that he is the product of current situation then he may stop doing violence on women. The terrible situations are brought to men by others not by women and women have never thought negativity against men so the men must know the real enemy and resist them in spite of doing violence on women. The backward societies like ours find a woman ‘weak’ and ‘incompetent’. This is a very wrong and discriminatory concept actually. Women have resisted in different places weather that is sub-continent, America, Africa or Arab countries. They have taken parts in every movement which have been emerged for the betterment of society. If Hammal Jeehand can take the gun against the enemies then Bandi also can. If Yasir Harfat can lead Palestinian Movement then Laila Khalid can also can. If a Baloch brother is the target of bullets of forces then the Baloch sisters are also as Banuk Shehnaz was. We ought to wash our brains which have got the dust of dusty thoughts, recognize the role of women in a nation or in a society. The role woman can play no one else can play that. It is obviously clear that religion has always been the tool for oppressor to oppress other. Likewise, the same religion has been also used against women in every society. The religious people use religion as the tool to earn and they use the card of religion to violate the rights of women. In Pakistan it is also the same case especially the areas which touch the border of Afghanistan. There women are not given the single right. They are in the age of stone and I call it worse than the age of stone because in the age of stone women were not treated so as they are today in those areas. They have defamed the name of religion and in the name of religion or custom they have imposed the blind rule of manhood. The words of men are first and final, the decisions of men are final, and the violence of men is named ‘bravery’ or manhood. What a bizarre thing that is for the twenty first century world that they have named the tolerance of women ‘weaknesses and the violence of men ‘bravery’. The brave women should be called who has the power of tolerance and the power of caring the natural relation, and the “weak” men should be called who are weak enough to face the problems of them and take out their anger on women. We are living in the society which is in the process of development. And this development is possible in that case when the role of women is understood; the rights of women are not violated. Islam has given the equal rights of divorce to men and women. But, in our society if a woman takes divorce from her husband that would be a very negative thing and the family has to tolerate shameful talks from society. The same society feels proud on their women doing ‘Hijab’ but feels shame on their women to take divorce. Islam teaches us to do “Hijab’’ as well as it gives the right to women for getting divorce, but what to be done to society which just implements on those things which it likes and dislikes. And those likeness and dis-likeness are made by the society not by any religion. Unfortunately, the society is itself the target of those things. Whenever a woman resists and stand for their rights they are blamed to be influenced by western culture but if we look briefly to the movements of backward nations or countries in the name of ‘nationalism’, democracy, independency and etc, these all have come also from western occupation so, why a man is not blamed to be influenced by western countries. Even, women have raised the voice in order to get the fundamental rights in their homes, society or in their education where a man is totally free. You (man) can’t give us the fundamental rights, so how do you ask about the right of self-determination or freedom. I am not opposing the struggle of a man for the right of self-determination or freedom but I am raising concern about their own dominance on women rights. Women are named ‘corrupt’, depraved and with so many other shameless terms when they raise voice for freedom. But the same word ‘freedom’ is good for a man, nation or country so how it becomes bad when it comes to a woman? The man usually shows his manhood in bravery on in intelligence but women have proved themselves in both. We can have the example of Laila Khalid and Elezabth Cady Stanton. Laila Khalid proved that women are brave enough to resist cruelty. And Elezabth was the one who struggled for women rights in United States where women could not vote that time. She believed that to fight for fairness and to create change, women needed the right to vote and finally she got success in her struggle and American States granted women the right to vote. This rejects the perception that women just need to be combined in the four walls of a house. However, if the behavior of men and their sentiments remain same for women, then the society is going to be the same forever. I mean it cannot develop without having the efforts of women. As it is said, behind every successful man there stands a woman. So, for the development of a society the efforts of women are must and women can put their efforts that time when they are considered the true part of development. The gender equalization is lacking in our society. The man should stop violating the rights of women. Women should be given their fundamental rights; they should be given the equal rights in every field. All the meaningless sanctions should be removed on women. They should be given chance to bring their talents on surface and they must be appreciated as well. Man must have positive thinking about woman. Because of negativity men have put forward so many sanctions on them. They have to be positive and should remove the negative aspect from their minds than they can develop the society and bow the seeds of success.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:49:18 +0000

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