[INTERVIEW] B.A.P Youngjae & Jongup for K-BOY Paradise Vol. - TopicsExpress


[INTERVIEW] B.A.P Youngjae & Jongup for K-BOY Paradise Vol. 12 Q: If you two were to form a unit, what kind of music would you make? Please tell us about the song you would sing, the outfit you would wear and your unit name. YJ: Everyone knows that Jongup is a dancer. But actually, he also has a very pretty voice! So if we were to make a unit we chose something upbeat, some R&B that we could dance on. Q: What about your outfit and your unit name? YJ: For the outfit… we’d wear short sleeves? (laughs) I won’t wear them but Jongup will wear short sleeves and shorts. (laughs) JU: (happily) I think that’s good. It’s still a little bit cold right now but it would be just right for the coming season. Q: Ah, that’s good. (laughs) Please tell us what kind of fanservice you’d do for the fans as this unit. JU: I’d get Youngjae hyung to teach me Japanese, and I think our MC corner during concerts would be fun. We’d both be doing the MC so we’ll just ask the other to show off their talents. YJ: But it’s only us two doing this, right? JU: Ah, right. Then let’s just have them stand there. YJ: (laughs) Q: It’s a known fact that you two both sleep a lot, but when was the time you thought you slept the best? And was there a time you couldn’t sleep much and that resulted in a mistake? YJ: Recently a lot of our sleep is when we’re waiting or going places so, honestly, we aren’t sleeping enough. A mistake… was there something? JU: Usually Daehyun hyung wakes us all up but there was this one time when he was extremely tired and he didn’t wake up so we all overslept. We were lucky we weren’t late for our schedule but since then we’re all careful not to oversleep. Q: Youngjae is the brain and Jongup is the muscles. At first glance it seems that you two wouldn’t get along but is there something that you have in common? Or maybe a memory of just the two of you? JU: Youngjae hyung is nice so he gets along with everyone. YJ: Even if sometimes I bite. (laughs) JU: Right. (laughs) But he listens to what I have to say a lot and we often sing or listen to music together. YJ: Actually from among the members, Jongup is the first one I got along with. From the first time I met him, it was impossible to ignore his nice personality. (laughs) Sometimes he radiates a little too much of that innocent character he has. (laughs) JU: hmhm. (he didn’t notice the sarcasm!?) Q: Since it will soon be White day, if the person next to you were to receive chocolate from the girl they like what do you think they would give her? YJ: I think Jongup would give her what’s most precious to him, what he likes best. He’d probably give her a hamburger. (laughs) Ahahahaha! JU: Recently, for his birthday, Youngjae hyung gave the fans a message he recorded. I really felt his gentleness and charm. So maybe sending a romantic recorded message before sleeping or singing a serenade on the phone would be cool . YJ: That’s a little embarrassing~ (laughs) JU: I’m the one doing it. YJ: So I’m not the one doing it but you are? Ahahahahaha! B.A.P Studio is SUPPORTED BY GOLDCOIN experience the savings.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 05:54:36 +0000

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