INTRODUCTION Nigeria is currently facing the most difficult time - TopicsExpress


INTRODUCTION Nigeria is currently facing the most difficult time in history. It is not far from the truth that there are some unseen forces trying to achieve the division of Nigeria with religious crisis. The bombers of Churches, Mosques, killers of innocent Christians and Muslims cant be jihadists. The concept of jihad in Islam is totally different from what we see these days in Nigeria. Let us seek better understanding of Islamic principles and apply them accordingly. All they want is to turn the adherents of the two faiths against one another and achieve their political profits. THE TRUE MEANING OF JIHAD IN ISLAM Jihad does not mean holy war. The word Jihad actually stems from Juhd, to strive/struggle. This is encouraged and can be for anything to please God. It is a jihad to get up in the morning to go to pray and to go to work; it is a jihad to go school in the rain. Etc. Personal Jihad: The most excellent jihad is that of the soul. This jihad, called the Jihadun-Nafs, is the intimate struggle to purify the soul of satanic influence--both subtle and overt. It is the struggle to cleanse ones spirit of sin. This is the most important level of jihad. Verbal Jihad: On another occasion, the Prophet said, The most excellent jihad is the speaking of truth in the face of a tyrant. He encouraged raising ones voice in the name of Allah on behalf of justice. Physical Jihad: This is combat waged in defence of Muslims against oppression and transgression by the enemies of Allah, Islam and Muslims. We are commanded by Allah to lead peaceful lives and not transgress against anyone, but also to defend ourselves against oppression by fighting against those who fight against us. This jihad with the hand is the aspect of jihad that has been so profoundly misunderstood in todays world. [See Al- Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid on ‘What Islam Really Say about War and Violence’] Allah, subhanahu wata’aala says, Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors.[Q2:190] According to Imam Yahya Hendi, a Quranic scholar who is also a daa’iy at Georgetown University; this portion of the Quran was written in about 606 C.E., when the Prophet Muhammad and his followers were under attacked in the city of Medinah. Then, the Prophet, sollaLohu ‘alaihi wasallam and his Companion, rodhiyaLohu ‘anhum had established the Islamic state. But various coalitions of non-Muslim tribes, including Christians, Jews, atheists and animists continued to go to war with them. This portion of the Quran explains one of the clearest reasons behind striking back. Islam strictly forbids killing of innocents. Nobody can ever be justified in killing any innocent man, woman or child. It is indeed a grave sin. In fact, all forms of oppression are outlawed and Muslims are encouraged to help others no matter what their religion or background is. Terrorism does happen in all societies where various elements of ignorance, helplessness, sense of injustice and oppression are present. It happens by individuals, groups, and even States some perhaps closer to home then you might have though! Have an eye-opener. Extremists/Terrorists do not follow True Islam, their motivations and inspirations are driven from elsewhere On the Islamic concept of martyrdom, it is very wrong to think it is only those who go to physical war for Allah’s sake and die in the process that are matyrs. Those who strive in Allah’s cause through means specified in the Quran and Sunnah and die in the process are matyrs. Allah, subhanahu wata’ala says, Think not of those who are slain in Allahs way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord. [Q3:169] Of those who answered the call of Allah and the Messenger, even after being wounded, those who do right and refrain from wrong have a great reward. [Q3:172] Islam is free from imperfections; it is a message for all mankind of all time. It suits the past, the present and the future. Islam is very simple and easy to understand and practice. A Muslim is simply someone who believes in Allah as the only God worthy of worship without having any partners. And, to believe in all his messengers who include Musa (Moses), Ibrahim (Abraham) Isa (Jesus) and the last and final messenger sent to mankind Muhammad, sollaLohu alaihi wasallam. May Allahs peace and blessings be upon them all. The Qur’an was revealed by Allah through His Messenger, sollaLohu ‘alaihi wasallam to the entire mankind to follow. Its message is universal shall continue to stand the tests of time. Contrary to common ignorant beliefs, the Quran forbids the use of violence, terrorism, or oppression of any sort against any innocent men, women or children. Islam upholds the sanctity of life. It encourages human rights and supports resolution of issues in a peaceful manner. There are many non-Muslims in the West who after researching and looking at Islam, have totally abandoned their past prejudices about Islam and accepted Islam wholeheartedly. They realised that what they had perceived about the religion previously was completely untrue. They found that the Quran upholds womens rights, and is against all forms of racism and oppression. Allah says in the Quran: Certainly, We have brought to them a Book (the Qurân) which We have explained in detail with knowledge, - a guidance and a mercy to a people who believe (7:52) There is no place in the Quran that calls for the forced conversion of others, oppression of women or any of the other false claims people make regarding Islam today. It is unfortunate that in todays climate of war, state terror and media bias, the true teachings of Islam seldom get mentioned. Allah (most glorified and most high) says in the Quran: Invite (mankind, O Muhammad SAW) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islâm) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qurân) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided. [16:125] Allah says in another verse: “There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Tâghût (false worship or idols) and believes in Allâh, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allâh is All-Hearer, All-Knower [2:256] It is forbidden to force anyone to become Muslim. And under Islamic law, forced conversion is not seen as carrying any legal status. I.e. it is invalid. In fact, any forced action is seen as invalid. Every action in Islam is judged by the Intention behind it, and it is only Allah who knows what lies in our hearts. Contrary to false allegations against Islam and the last messenger of Allah, sollaLohu ‘alaihi wasallam, Islam promotes peaceful co- existence not only among Muslims, but between Muslims and the non-Muslims. It must be reiterated emphatically that all the wars fought by the Prophet, sollaLohu ‘alaihi wasallam and his followers were defensive in nature. The wars were necessary for them to protect their lives, properties and above all their deen. A Western prolific writer, Karen Armstrong in her book titled ‘Muhammad: A Book of the Prophet’ said, We often imagine Muhammad as a warlord, brandishing his sword in order to impose Islam on a reluctant world by force of arms. The reality was quite different. Muhammad and the first Muslims were fighting for their lives, and they had also undertaken a project in which violence was inevitable. Armstrong says further, Islam fights tyranny and injustice. A Muslim may feel that he has a sacred duty to champion the weak and the oppressed……Fighting and warfare might sometimes be necessary, but it was only a minor part of the whole jihad or struggle. A well-known tradition (hadith) has Muhammad say on returning from a battle, We return from the little jihad to the greater jihad, the more difficult and crucial effort to conquer the forces of evil in oneself and and in ones own society in all the details of daily life. THE STAND OF THE MUSLIMS AND ISLAMIC CLERICS IN NIGERIA ON TERRORISM As far as I observe, Northern Elites, Muslims and Islamic scholars do not support terrorism of any sort because anybody can be a victim. Terrorism has no place in Islam. The Prophet says Do not oppress and dont be oppressed. Allah and his Prophet, sollaLohu alaihi wasallam, forbids people from going to extremes. The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) said, I warn you of extremism in the Religion for indeed those that came before you were destroyed due to their extremism in the religion. Reported by an-Nasaaee (5/268), ibn Maajah (no. 3029), Ahmad (1/215, 347) In sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 633, narrated on the authority of Anas reads: Allahs Apostle (SAW) said, Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one. People asked, O Allahs Apostle (SAW)! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor? The Prophet (SAW) said, By preventing him from oppressing others. It is on the basis of the above hadith that Muslim ummah in Nigeria speak against terrorism, oppression and violence in the name of Islam. For instance, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Saad Abubakar spoke against the ongoing violence in the Northern Nigeria in the following words: The bloodshed must stop. Each and every one of us must come to appreciate that we cannot continue on this destructive path. We must open active, meaningful and sincere channels of dialogue and communication to ensure that we listen to those who have real grievances and to take genuine efforts to address them. But we must, as the ummah, also take a resolute stand against those who take advantage of this unfortunate situation to wreak havoc on society, in pursuit of their narrow interest. Allah will definitely put to shame those who seek to violate the honour and sanctity of Muslims. We must at all times seek Allahs intervention through prayers for there is no calamity or distress that He cannot dispel. The Jamaatul Nasril Islam, being a noble organisation, founded on truth and piety to educate Muslims, should maintain its original mandate and form with a renewed vigour and go ahead to establish much more cordial relationship with other faith-based organizations. This will really go a long way in the establishment of a better cordial and respectful relationship between the Nigerian Muslims and their Christian compatriots as witnessed during the time of the late Sardauna. [ Nigerian Tribune, Written by Hassan Ibrahim Friday, May 25, 2012] Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar also said and I quote: If Boko Haram and its leadership have something to say; if they have any grouse against the Nigerian state, the proper thing for them is to come out in flesh and state it, so that a process of dialogue that will eventually lead to the resolution of the crisis and the siege on Nigerians can commence in earnest,” [Thisday, 28th February, 2012] INCOMPETENCY OF THE PRESENT ADMINISTRATION IN THE COUNTRY I think Jonathan led government is the worst in history. This regime lacks the initiative, sincerity and pragmatic methodologies of solving several problems facing this nation. Prominent among the obstacles on our wheel of progress and development are corruption, dishonesty, insecurity of lives and properties, unemployment, discrimination and greediness. This government has not indicated an atom of interest in tackling any of these. Firstly, it is not all about sending troops to clear terrorists in Maduguri, Damaturu, Kano, Kaduna etc. The solution to the insecurity menace goes beyond this. We must identify the root causes of terrorism and insurgencies and approach them diplomatically and systematically. Secondly, it is not all about programming an oil merchant to romance the legislators with corruption in retaliation of corruption. Mr. President must display zero tolerance for corruption in all aspects of our system. Thirdly, in our judicial system, all crimes must be treated accordingly, regardless of economic echelon, political class or traditional background. Let criminals (among the poor or the rich) face the wrath of the law. Well-meaning Nigerians are calling for a sovereign National Conference where all stake-holders would be able to table their grievances and resolve the problems through the instrumentality of dialogue. The Federal Government is turning a deaf hear. The sovereign National Conference is needed urgently in Nigeria than ever before. Unlike the case of Late Umaru Musa Yaradua, the incapacitation of Goodluck Jonathan to further run the affairs of this nation does not lie in his state of health. Jonathans natural weakness, incompetence and lack of proper understanding of the intricacies of leadership and governance clearly disqualify him from aspiring further for the post of President in 2015. CONCLUSION The 2015 general elections must be free and fair. Nigerians must be allowed to correct their 2011 electoral mistakes without any form of pressure, intimidation or inducement. That is the only life line we have for now, and we must not blast it. We need an incorruptible President that can bring change in all aspects of our lives. For us to save this country from crumbling in 2015 as predicted by Western powers, we must improve our political understanding and orientation. Let us educate ourselves, families and friends on the danger of selling our votes. Our fates are in our hands, we must not mortgage our future for just a token from ruthless and selfish politicians. We need an entirely different institutions and mindsets. With considerable level of determination, sincerity and prayers, we can surely revive our confidence in this country. We must learn from the Arab spring and several other political disturbances around the world. We do not deserve a bloody revolution. All we want is a peaceful transition of power in 2015 from this hopeless regime to a system that will make the interest of all Nigerians its paramount objective. God bless Nigeria.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:14:33 +0000

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