INVITATION FROM THE GRAVEYARD ASSOCIATION SKULL CLUB 13, WEIRD COTTAGE CREEP VALLEY ETERNITY DATE OF PANIC:- FRIDAY THE 13TH Dear Ms/Mrs./Mr. You are cordially invited to a dance which will be held in the Eastern Cemetry next Friday, in aid of the “WITHERING BONES ASSOCIATIOIN”. Death suits must be worn. Admission fees wll be 5 bones and 6 ribs. Music will be rendered by the “SKELETON STRING ORCHESTRA”, including solo items by the “DEADLY DRUMS”. Genuine Oak coffins will be given away as sport prizes. Murders will be committed. Light refreshments consisting of “ICE COLD BLOOD” and “ROAST HUMAN FLESH” in store for 50 years will be sold at the price of fingers, without nails if possible. Songs will be mourned by the group “RATTLING BONES SISTERS”. For any person who does not want to dance, mummies will be provided to amuse them in many ways. For those who wish to stay there for the night, special accommodation will be available in the grave and tombs. For the sake of special company, the dead will be un-burried. Mr. Frankenstein will be the chief guest. Please let us know if you wish to attend our dance for we will have to call a hearse outside your door to bring you along. If you stay near the cemetery, please spook around. Please do not be goodie-goodies, but badie-badies and don’t let us down by not showing your monstrous grin at our joint. Please do behave yourselves in the presence of Mr. Frankenstein. For further details, please contact Mr. Dracula at your nearest cemetery gate at all days from 7p.m. onwards. CURSING YOU FOR THE WORST.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 10:16:47 +0000

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