INVOLVE GOD IN YOUR PLANS When you woke up today, did you remember - TopicsExpress


INVOLVE GOD IN YOUR PLANS When you woke up today, did you remember to involve God in your affairs? Many plans crash because of failure to carry God along in their plans. Only God knows what the future holds. Do not be like the rich fool in Luke 12:13-24 who lost his soul because he invested his entire life in his possessions and failed to acknowledge God as the source of his wealth and assets. In James 1:10-11, man and all that man could boast of had been compared to a beautiful flower which blossoms, i.e. prospers for a while and then withers too soon. God honours men who plan because planning is the starting point for any dream or goal you possess. It is certainly reasonable to make plans but we must always do so with the awareness of life’s uncertainties. Man has the ability to plan; the Holy Spirit executes the plan. Therefore, your life is in God’s hands and whoever is great among men, it is God’s hand that makes them so (Jeremiah 29:11). Why should anyone boast of his own natural ability and power? Remember yesterday is history, today is opportunity and tomorrow is a mystery. Unlike the rich fool, we ought to say, ‘if the Lord wills, we shall do this or that’. We ought to acknowledge God in all spiritual things, referring every good thought, every good purpose and every good work to His grace from whom we receive it. Right now, ask God to lead you as you make a list of things to do every day.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 10:30:41 +0000

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