IRRESPONSIBLE ACTIONS OF THE PATRIOTIC FRONT By CHARLES MABOSHE NAREP VICE PRESIDENTGood morning ladies and gentlemen. I start this press conference by wishing those who were injured during the attack at BIGOCA a speedy recovery. I further wish to assure them that as responsible citizens of this country we will not rest until the day the culprits will be held accountable. Two weeks ago a senior member of the mmd was roughed up and beaten by the PF cadres in full view of the police. Just two days ago the PF cadres again attacked people that gathered to pray for this country and its leadership. This is slowly but surely becoming the order of the day under the PF administration. The savagery attack on defenseless clergy, members of civil society, opposition political parties and members of the press in the place of worship must be condemned in the strongest possible manner. As NAREP we condemn what happened in Matero and find it very disturbing and unbelievable that the PF has continued stepping on the rights of the innocent people. The function that was disrupted was neither a political rally nor political meeting but a special church service for men and women of God who had gathered to pray for the many man-made problems this country is facing. We condemn the actions by the PF cadres and we wish to remind the republican president that he promised to govern this country based on the ten (10) commandments of the Holy Bible. Let this at least be one promise he makes every effort to keep. What we have witnessed in the recent passed is however the exact opposite to what the bible teachers us. Mr. Sata and the pf government have refused completely to listen to the cries of the many Zambians who are struggling to put a meal on the table. The people of Zambia who gave the pf a mandate to govern this country have rejected this violent, aggressive and non-consultative type of leadership by the PF government and it must now be clear even to the PF that it has failed. We remind the secretary general of the PF Mr. Wynter Kabimba and the pf administration that Zambia does not belong to the few individuals benefiting and having more money in their pockets but to the many Zambians who are not able to afford a decent meal. The PF must be reminded that no political party comes to stay in government. We had UNIP and MMD that held power; the Zambian people were lied to for the sake of getting votes. Bear in mind that your time will come when you will be made to account for your action. The PF government should tell us if what we are seeing now is the jobs that the youth were promised in 90 days. We cannot continue using innocent young people to attack harmless men and women of God out of pure selfishness. The PF must be assured that sending thugs to attack innocent people is not going to solve the problems that this country is facing. The PF must stop politicking and attacking people and concentrate on delivering development. As a party that believes in its core values, we hereby register our disappointment and lack of trust in the Zambia Police that is now being used as a security wing of the Patriotic Front. We call upon the Inspector General of police Stella Libongani and her deputy Dr. Solomon Jere to choose between enforcing the law or to resign on moral grounds as they have completely failed to conduct themselves professionally from the time they were appointed to these positions. As a woman and no doubt a mother, surely her heart should bleed at the events of last week. We wish to remind the police that you are there to protect the citizens of this country and not the pf cadres who are busy beating innocent people. The people of Zambia will never be safe if the police remain toothless or use their powers to frustrate bus drivers and other ordinary citizens who are merely trying to make a living. We ask the PF to reflect on and remember the reasons they were ushered into power in 2011 and stop stepping on the rights of innocent people. We further wish to remind them that Zambia was declared a Christian nation and therefore we should respect the church regardless of the situation. The PF should allow citizens to gather and worship without any fear. We demand that the police launch an investigation on the Matero incident and bring the culprits to book without any delay or political interference. We demand for justice and professionalism from the police service in following up this matter. NAREP would love Mr. Sata to retire and leave in peace come 2016. We will respect, look after him as former head of state, as we embark on creating a new Zambia. To the pf government, we implore you to, this time around stand up and own up to the misdeeds of your cadres and apologize to the nation and to the church and to the affected people with all seriousness it deserves. We call upon all well-meaning Zambians and Christians to condemn what the PF is doing and continue praying to God for his intervention before the situation in our country gets out of hand. Thank you and god be with you. CHARLES MABOSHE NAREP VICE PRESIDENT
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:18:53 +0000

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