IRS GOES AFTER OBAMACARE CRITIC C. STEVEN TUCKER, SOUTH CAROLINA CANCER PATIENT C.Steven Tucker has traveled throughout the Midwest informing taxpayers about ObamaCare CHICAGO - Chicago insurance broker and ObamaCare critic C. Steven Tucker happened to see a cancer patient tell Fox News Megyn Kelly about losing his health care insurance policy one afternoon a few weeks ago. Tucker looked up the South Carolina resident on Facebook and offered help him find health care coverage immediately so his badly-needed cancer treatments could continue. Tucker and cancer patient Bill Elliott connected and Tucker was able to find Elliott the help he needed. Elliott publicly thanked Tucker for his life-saving assistance, but little did either know they would soon be fighting another battle - this one with the Internal Revenue Service. Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, both Tucker and Elliott received official notifications that they were being audited by the Internal Revenue Service. Elliott, who is a retired government worker, was told he would be facing audit in 2014. Tucker says the IRS letter to him demands $4000 from 2003 and $2000 from 2010 be paid before December 26, 2013. The seeming coincidence of two vaguely connected persons getting notice they are being investigated by the federal government is sending shock waves throughout the web. A growing number is wondering if the message is Dont publicly embarrass or challenge ObamaCare, or you could face the IRS. The IRS has been used in the past by at least one presidential administration to intimidate political enemies. President Richard Nixon faced impeachment for using the IRS. Article 2, Section 1 of Nixons impeachment charges says: He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner. Tucker said the information he gave Elliott has literally saved Elliotts life. The cancer patient is now in full remission and his insurance company reinstated his policy immediately after Elliott shared Tuckers advice. What information did Tucker give Elliott so he could continue his cancer battle? Tucker says he simply told Elliott that it was illegal - before ObamaCare - for health insurance companies to cancel policies when a person is sick. Public law 104-191 (HIPAA) section 2742 disallows any health insurer from canceling a persons health insurance coverage when he or she is sick. In an interview with GulagBound, Tucker said: HIPAA is a federal law duly codified by Congress and signed by President Clinton. HIPAA is referred to and expanded upon throughout the PP Affordable Care Act. It trumps a posting in the Federal Register by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebellius which was made AFTER the PPACA was signed into law by President Obama. This posting in the Federal Register literally changed the definition of ‘grandfathered status’ that was originally written in the PPACA in 2010. This posting has resulted in 5.8 million policy holders losing their health insurance coverage. Many whom are struggling with a major medical illness like Bill. This is exactly the opposite of what Barack Obama promised over and over and over again when he said “If you like your plan you can keep your plan and no one will take it away from you, period.” Using public law 104-191 section 2742, Bill was able to get his policy restored with the help of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. Other Americans should be using the same section of HIPAA law to force their health insurers to comply and restore their coverage immediately. Most especially if they are sick. Tucker says he has obtained legal counsel and plans to fight the IRS demands. I will never bend a knee to Tyranny, Tucker said. Never. Tucker recently released a DVD entitled The Truth About ObamaCare, which is available on Amazon. A Saturday morning radio interview with Tucker and Elliott is available HERE. He has shared on Illinois Review on several occasions:
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:51:49 +0000

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