ISLAMIC SUICIDE ATTACK ON BROKEN HILL …but it was 100 years - TopicsExpress


ISLAMIC SUICIDE ATTACK ON BROKEN HILL …but it was 100 years ago Australian consumers subsidise Muslims for their halal food Hundreds of commemorations will take place to remember Australian sacrifice during World War One (1914-1918) but only one that will remember life taken on Australian soil. But due to political correctness, I am not sure there will be any commemoration at all. I am referring to the Battle of Broken Hill which took the lives of four Australians, none of whom were in uniform, and wounded seven more. It started, as these things mostly do, with the lilting sound of “Allahu Akbar” ringing out on the outskirts of Broken Hill. (Pictured is the original mosque.) The date was 1 January, 1915. Shortly thereafter, two men began shooting at a train taking 1,200 men, women and children to the annual New Year’s Day picnic. What was supposed to be a family day of fun was turned into a raging chaos of carnage. The two perpetrators were Gool Mohamad and Mullah Abdullah. And no, don’t judge them by their names. Instead, just read their suicide notes, written as they prepared for their lead role and walk-on part in the war in Australia. Mullah Abdullah’s note said that his actions, “were in obedience to the order of the Sultan of the Koran” and he signed it off with an oath to Allah and his big book of peace. As he was the local imam of the first mosque ever built in New South Wales, it’s fair to say that Mullah Abdullah knew a little more about the Koran and Allah than your average new-age journalist writing fairy tales about the religion of peace today. Mullah Abdullah was also responsible for the local trade in halal meat, which had twice been shut down because he had been found guilty of butchering sheep without a licence. So, in his note, Abdullah also stated that he was going to kill the local inspector. Now, Islamic apologists are quick to point out that Abdullah’s grudge with the inspector is proof that Islam did not really have much to do with the Battle of Broken Hill. In response, I will point out that halal lamb chops are very much part of Islamic life and that Abdullah’s disdain for the law regarding animal slaughter a century ago very much resembles the disdain that modern-day ‘Australian’ Muslims have for other laws, such as those prohibiting marriage to 12 year-old girls. And besides, the “Islam Australia Network” defends Abdullah’s actions because he was subject to “religious persecution”. In fact, it states that Muslims were placed in an impossible situation because they were required to obtain a licence to slaughter animals, like every other Australian butcher. The good news from Abdullah’s point of view is that more than half of Australia’s lamb chops are now halal certified. He did not die in vain, but was the first to give his life to impose Sharia law on the rest of Australian society. And I suppose some would say it’s not a bad thing either. We don’t want any other trains coming into contact with weapon-welding maniacs crying Allahu Akbar on a warm and sunny morning. Of course, in order to keep the peace we’ve had to hand control of meat slaughter and production to Islamic police intent on imposing Sharia law and Islamic taxes on all. And that is a little costly in other ways. Some meat producers are coughing up to $27,000 a month for the privilege of being halal certified. That fee is used to fund Islamic schools in Indonesia and the cost is passed on directly to the consumer. That’s you. Just remember, next time you tuck into an Australian steak, there’s a good chance that you are not only paying GST, but an Islamic tax as well. And somewhere in all of this, Broken Hill’s Mullah Abdullah can take a certain degree of responsibility. Gool Mohamad was not an imam and, like Abdullah, he was not Turkish either. He was just the local ice-cream vendor – one of the first Mr Whippies, if you will. And just as all good horror stories seem to have an evil ice-cream man somewhere in the script, this one is no different. That’s because Gool was a good Muslim, upset that Great Britain and the Empire was at war with the Caliphate. As one modern Islamic author has noted, some Australian Muslims felt this decision was horrendous. And other “Australian” Muslims are a little more blunt. Hizb ut Tahrir stated just last year that if Anzac Day should commemorate anything, it should celebrate the defeat of immoral Australian forces at the hands of the Islamic Caliphate. I guess this kind of puts a different slant on the name of Australia’s largest mosque, standing tall and defiant in Western Sydney: the Gallipoli Mosque. As Gool prepared to die he also penned a note. It stated, “I must kill your men and give my life for my faith by order of the Sultan”. Then Gool drove his weapon-laden ice-cream cart to the outskirts of Broken Hill and waited with his imam for a trainload of civilian targets to pass by. By the end of the day, Gool and Abdullah were both dead. So were four civilians, including a 17 year-old girl. Seven more were wounded. It was lucky the toll was not higher. And then, just like today, came the typically stupid response to an act of Islamic violence. As night closed in, the German Club in Broken Hill was burnt to the ground. The Battle of Broken Hill remains the only successful Islamic attack on Australian soil. It stands out as a reminder to all that the violence of 9/11 was nothing new. It was something old – a continuation of Islamic aggression against the West since the 7th century. It was also the day that World War One came to Australia. If it is not commemorated, it will be nothing more than politically-correct censorship. One hundred years ago, Australians were asked to endure great hardship, death and suffering. We will betray those sacrifices if we fail when asked to endure something much easier: The truth. [Editor’s note: At that time, Australia was preparing to attack the Ottoman Empire, the perpetrators were first speculated to be Turkish, but were later identified as being Muslims from an area of the British colony of India that is now modern day Pakistan.]
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:44:37 +0000

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