ISLAMIZATION OF NIGERIA: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Appreciation I should start this write-up by sincerely thanking Mark Zuckerberg, for introducing Facebook on 4th of February, 2004 (contrary to Labaran Maku’s lie that Jonathan Ebele Goodluck (JEG) brought Facebook to Nigeria. . . . .I can’t stop laughing). At least, the views of poor people like me would not only be heard by the masses within my country Nigeria, but could also be read outside the shore of the country. Gone were the days in Nigeria when the Chuwkumerejes, Nweke juniors of this world would continue to sell falsehood to us through the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA). Still basking in their falsehood, it took a lot of efforts for the Nigerian government to own up that indeed, the insurgents have not only taken over some local government areas in the North-Eastern part of the country, but have also instituted parallel government in the captured territories. Chris Olukolade & Maku tried assiduously to make us believe that all is well with us in this country. However, before they went to the Press, the social media were already awashed with pictures and video clips of what transpired. Shamelessly atimes, they still tried to hide behind a finger! Felicitation I join millions of Nigerians to felicitate with General Mohammadu Buhari (GMB) on his victory at the APC’s Presidential Primary. I also commend the spirit of sportsmanship displayed by others who put up a good fight. You all should be reminded however that, ‘It is yet not uhuru’. The next Valentine ’s day shall be a day when Nigerians shall truly see LOVE, share LOVE and experience LOVE by voting out CORRUPTION from our land. Religion Religion, by my understanding, is man’s conviction in dealing directly with his Creator. By extension, it a well defined pathway deliberately instituted to reject man’s inhumanity to man and foster peaceful co-existence among fellow creatures of God. Invariably, it leads to a state of acceptance of the fact that no matter how powerful a man could be, he would still be made accountable of his deeds either here or in the hereafter. Indisputably, religion is an asset man holds dear to his heart because if he is not sure of anything, he knows he would die at an unknown date when he would be brought before his Creator. Furthermore, religion, among its inherent benefits, should make us to appreciate God’s diversity in creation. Sadly however, politicians both at the national and global stages are now exploring religion to plant seeds of discord in man. Islamization I have read several articles on FB pages and on our national dailies especially the recent one by Femi-Fani Kayode (FFK) about the allegation that GMB would Islamize Nigeria should he be voted into power come Feb. 2015. Since then I have been having some discomforts within me, because I still can’t imagine why the likes of FFK could descend so low as to come up with that type of write-up. (Anyway, Nigerians should not be taken aback judging from his antecedents). Candidly, I don’t think it calls for any rigorous logical calculation that attempting to ISLAMIZE/CHRISTIANIZE Nigeria is not a doable research. This falls among other undoable researches which include: (i) A medical student trying to investigate how a man delivers a baby in the labour room (ii) An engineering student determining the fuel consumption rate of a bicycle. . . . . the list is endless. To ISLAMIZE/CHRISTIANIZE an entire country as big as Nigeria is a dream a sane-minded person should not even conceive. For example, for someone to attempt to CHRISTIANIZE everyone in my hometown which is over 80% Christians is considered a foolhardy adventure! So, how come GMB would nurse the ambition of ISLAMIZING Nigeria? Perhaps, I should quickly share my view on ISLAMIZATION and the introduction of SHARIA in Nigeria. It is no longer news that during OBJ’s administration, SHARIA was introduced in some Northern states of the country. Some of the questions are: (i) In those states, are all the inhabitants now practicing ISLAM? (ii) Are the Christians in those states disallowed from practicing their CHRISTIANITY? So, even if GMB introduces SHARIA throughout Nigeria (a baseless allegation though), it is not tantamount to ISLAMIZING Nigeria. Dragging a CHRISTAIN to a SHARIA court clearly negates simple logic. Messages May I therefore appeal to FFK and his cohorts to desist from escalating the religious polarization which GEJ’s administration has created. They should strive hard in their subsequent articles to discuss how we shall enjoy (i) 24hrs uninterrupted power supply, (ii) affordable health scheme (iii) good road networks (iv) qualitative & quantitative education (v) abridgement between the haves & have-nots (vi) sustainable development (vii) functional refineries (viii) zero tolerance to corruption (ix) depolarization along ethnicity/religion (x) security of lives & properties (xi) availability of jobs etc. Conclusion While I urge fellow Nigerians who are desirous of good governance, to go out and excise their franchise come February 2015 without any religious or ethnic colouration, I equally appeal to everyone to be religious tolerant. LONG LIVE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA!!!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:13:34 +0000

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