ISSUE OF WARNING: DONT BE CONNED BY THE CONS OR SCAMMED BY SLEAZY PROMOTERS LIKE SCAREFEST! Friends and fans, I know that its October, and Halloween is right around the corner, and with that, the idea to step out and meet some of your favorite actors from your favorite scary movies! This is a wonderful experience.....usually..... however, sometimes the experience may be more terrifying than a movie!! Ironically it can also be just as horrific to the stars, as the films you are scared of. Not from meeting their greatest fans, but by being scammed by their hosts. Henceforth I am reporting to you with a fair amount of regret and concern today. Unfortunately, my experience a few weeks ago when I visited Lexington Kentucky to appear at SCAREFEST scarefestcon/ was a wonderful time as always with the fans, however the promoters were a REAL nightmare! A woman named Patti Starr ghosthunter/ and ghosthuntershop/ and mpfair/ with her husband Chuck Starr welcome.horseartgallery/ and daughter Judy Starr kw/kw/agent/x326579 and superstarr.yourkwagent/) showed the worst example of Southern Hospitality I have ever seen! They not only completely ignored their financial responsibility, but they also bold face lied to my manager and I. They were terribly rude and snide in a mocking and defamatory way and worst of all they did this right in front of my fans and peers. In fact they were so inappropriate towards my manager Phil (always a gentleman) that they caused him so much stress having him running (literally) to chase the money they promised and never paid, causing him to take a nasty spill and injure himself significantly. They also caused us to miss our flight home which made me arrive to LA so late that I had to forgo a film shoot I was expected (and contracted) to do the next morning. All because they decided to blame me for the fact that they didnt have the turn out they anticipated. In short, they refused to pay on the agreed contract with the excuse that if I had spent more time at my table it would have generated more income. They failed to recognize my system, which is that I sign until theres no more line, then I come back when a line forms again. If theres no line, then theres no business. So thats when I will take my break. They also failed to read their own contract with me and tried to blame me for their lack of attendance. They had many excuses why they refused to pay me, but the bottom line is they squelched! Anyone who Ive met at these Cons (short for convention) can tell you that when I come to a popular con, the line is always there and I usually only take a break to use the restroom or eat lunch, but when there are fans in line, I will tend to be the last one there, as I LOVE & RESPECT my fans so much, Im signing until every last fan has been met. I do leave the table when the promoter has me doing a panel, photo op, or appearing at a gathering of some sort, all contractual obligations, which I always fulfill. Again, I had a great experience with my fans in Kentucky that weekend as I always do. Because we LOVE and RESPECT one another. But that respect is not always shared especially when there is a crooked promoter playing the blame game. In the exact the words of Patti Starrs husband Chuck Starr to my manager when asked to pay his obligated commitment. I dont give a rats ass about him, he means nothing to me, his autograph isnt worth 10 cents to me. Well then, why would you offer me this contract and fly me in to do your show as the headliner along with my good friend Sean Astin, who witnessed this whole thing and was also lied to by these shady characters. Sean being the good man that he is, also gave up his time to get them to agree to pay me what was owed, and after giving him their word, on a handshake and a smile, we all headed home to LA, believing the old adage the check is in the mail. Now......I dont like airing dirty laundry, nor spreading negativity, and with all the nasty and negative things certain aspects of the media have said about me, I always turn a cheek, muster a smile, and move right on past it. However when it comes to this type of BAD business, I feel I must be forthcoming and heed warning, if we allow this holier than thou disgusting type of behavior to prevail and continue, it will destroy this very thriving business for all the honest hard working promoters and owners who fulfill their obligations and treat their guests with honor and dignity. It will also ruin the opportunity for hundreds of thousands of fans to meet their favorite performers! Bad business is not good for anyone! I have not yet fully decided how I will proceed with this. There is a very large debt owed by Mr. and Mrs. Starr, which is well in the several thousands of dollars range. I am hopeful that they realize their faults and own up to the fact that they owe me the money based on our contract and agreement. I have travelled the world this year promoting my new book COREYOGRAPHY, my latest theatrical film release The M Word, my latest musical release the EP 1st Glimpse of Heaven and my upcoming album and tour. Its been very busy to say the least. I have done a few of these cons with a few more still on the calendar. They have been a wonderful success and most of the promoters and owners are amazing and wonderful people. There are some AMAZING promoters who are always honest, trustworthy, and hospitable, such as Bill Philputt the promoter of DAYS OF THE DEAD, or the guys n London who run SHOWMASTERS: COLLECTORMANIA! These guys have always been professional and I have worked with them repeatedly as I know they can be trusted. Moving forward as a man of my word I will still fulfill my remaining obligations on contracts I have outstanding, and shows that are currently scheduled. But, I will proceed with caution. I urge every actor to be weary of these SCAREFEST people! Please ask your peers before committing to various cons to make sure that others have been treated fairly in the past before you commit. Fans, do some research before buying your tickets to make sure this is the right fan experience for you. I know for a fact there are several great Cons in Kentucky, but Scarefest just isnt one of them. For all of the wonderful fans I had the pleasure of meeting in Lexington, Im so sorry that your experience may have been slighted by the Starrs and their terrible business ethics. I was recently informed that several of the staff quit by the end of the convention due to poor treatment as well. Please do yourselves a favor and avoid Scarefest at all costs, or you may be their next victim, and that IS something to be truly scared of! Sorry for the rant, but I had to get all of that off my chest! Thank you for reading this and Happy Halloween, and God Bless us all!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:45:49 +0000

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