IT SHALL GO WELL WITH YOU AND YOU SHALL LIVE LONG ON EARTH. If you honor, esteem and value as precious your father and your mother, this is the first commandment with a promise. that all may be well with you and that you may live long on earth. Eph. 6;2-3 It is not Gods will that things do not move well with you or that people shouldnt live long on earth. You are your problems and you are now suffering the consequences. The Lord has seen and knows the love and care your parents had taken for you and the pains and sacrifices they went through for you. How do you see them?. Are you proud of them?. Do you make them look lifted?. Do you confess your love and appreciation to them?. do your friends know and see your respect and honor for them?. Do you labor to see that they live happy and comfortable?. Do they enjoy the fruits of their labor?. Do they have a special place in your heart?. are they happy with you?. If so, it will be seen outwardly from their up keep. Do you despise them or you have made your self a joy to them. when you received your first salary did you honor them with it?. Do your parents have a portion of your monthly salary?. The Lord desires that you honor them with your money. Mt 15:4-5. You will reap what you sow. Gal. 6:7-8 Please beg them to forgive you of all pains you have caused them, all disobedience, confess your crockery, lies and stealing from them. Please do not choose a life spouse without seeking their opinion, that is honoring them. If any says no!, please do not go ahead. If it is Gods will, they will all accept. If you think it is Gods will, pray until God will make them give the go-ahead. If not, it will not go well with you and you will not live long on earth. Please do all to receive the first blessings of leaving from your parents with joy. Gen 2;24. Please repent, think differently, change your mind, regret your sin and change your conduct and give honor and respect to your parents. Those who honor and respect their parents also their seniors, elders and those in authority will have breakthrough in life and will live long on this earth, for they are submissive in obeying the Word of God(Jesus Christ). For it is the Word that gives life. Matt.5:5.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 07:59:12 +0000

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