IT TOOK US A LITTLE LONGER THAN EXPECTED, BUT HERES PART ONE OF OUR EXTENSIVE STANLEY FILM FESTIVAL COVERAGE!! THE STANLEY FILM FESTIVAL CHAPTER II! A HORROR LOVERS PARADISE! REPORT #1 Story by Adam Mast Photos and Video by Jeff Sanders A LOOK AT DOC OF THE DEAD AND THE BABADOOK, PLUS CONVERSATIONS WITH LARRY FESSENDEN, GLENN MCQUAID, SPECTREVISION (ELIJAH WOOD, DANIEL NOAH, JOSH C. WALLER), AND THE LEGENDARY JOE DANTE! Just last week, Jeff Sanders and I were fortunate enough to attend the 2nd Annual Stanley Film Festival in Estes Park, CO. This fantastic genre based film fest is held at the historic Stanley Hotel. What makes this particular location so special? It just so happens to be the very resort that inspired Stephen King to write “The Shining”. If that isnt enough to entice a horror fan into attending, then I dont know what is. It was a 12 hour drive for us...A trek that would include construction delays, a nasty snow storm, and a big time black ice scare but quite frankly, the creepy delight conjured up by this phenomenal film fest made the trip well worth it. I attend a many film related events throughout the year. Everything from Sundance to Comic-Con, and while I love those experience, the large crowds and massive event schedules tend to make for a very intense and daunting proposition. The Stanley Film Festival is relatively young and because of this fact, it has an intimacy that is both welcome and refreshing. Yes, we had to deal with a couple of disappointing crossover programming woes (i.e. a 15th Anniversary screening of EYES WIDE SHUT with Stanley Kubrick casting director Leon Vitali in attendance played at the same time as a highly anticipated “Mystery Screening”, and Ti Wests much buzzed about THE SACRAMENT played at the same time as a brand new 4K restoration of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE), but that hardly dampened our spirits. Having the opportunity to converse with like minded individuals and chat the weekend away with various genre film-makers made for an experience Jeff and I wont soon forget. We were fortunate enough to see several amazing genre flicks (including one of the best horror films of the last 10 years.) and we were also able to attend a handful of insightful film-maker panels. Finally, we had the opportunity to bare witness to a couple of truly creative SHINING inspired events (i.e., a Big Wheel race). And we did all of this while on the grounds of one of the most atmospheric hotels on the planet. Before getting to the fest itself, I wanted to offer up a huge thank you to press coordinator JoAnna Cintron , the amazing press team, the festival organizers and volunteers, badassdigests Devin Faraci, and our very own Jeff Sanders for making this trip so worthwhile. Heres our extensive look at the 2nd Annual Stanley Film Festival; JEFF SANDERS REALIZES HIS DREAM OF CHATTING WITH LARRY FESSENDEN—THE WRITER/DIRECTOR OF “HABIT”, AND THE FOUNDER OF THE INDEPENDENT HORROR PRODUCTION COMPANY, GLASS EYE PIX. I consider myself to be extremely well versed in the world of horror but even I can barely keep up with the vast cornucopia of horror knowledge that rests within the confines of Jeff Sanders unmatched intellect. During our drive up to Colorado, Jeff and I spoke quite a bit about the many folk we were about to meet at The Stanley Film Festival and one of the attendees Jeff was most excited to speak to, was HABIT writer/director Larry Fessenden. In fact, we happily re-arranged our entire trip itinerary and departed for Colorado a day early when we discovered that our only opportunity to meet with Fessenden would be a few hours before the fests opening night film. As we entered the Presidential Suite at The Stanley Film Festival, I could tell that Jeff was ready to get down to business. You see, it should be noted that while Jeff and I do pride ourselves on film news and fest coverage, weve never really considered ourselves critics. Were great admirers of film. Were fans! Beyond that, were also film-makers and getting opportunities like this, are a dream come true. The moment we walked into the Suite, we were cheerfully greeted by a very unassuming Larry Fessenden (who, in his own way, resembles a manic Jack Nicholson circa THE SHINING—a sentiment that would be echoed later on in the weekend during a wonderful radio/spoken word presentation called TALES FROM THE PALE) and a member of his production family, I SELL THE DEAD director Glenn McQuaid. Both film-makers were giddy and eager to talk about their careers and their pure love of the genre. Jeff was very keen on talking to Fessenden about his subtextual approach to the genre. One might compare this independent film-maker to Roger Corman. And while it is true that there are similarities, Fessenden is more interested in horror rooted in subtext. Look no further than his critically lauded feature film-making debut, HABIT--A movie that would creatively treat addiction as a metaphor for vampirism . Fessenden is a great fan of the genre in general, but he was certainly quick to suggest that he prefers injecting his work with deeper meaning. Beyond the work itself, Fessendens tenacity has always been a key to his success and HABIT is a prime example of this. After having the door slammed in his face more times than he could count, Fessenden would ultimately self distribute HABIT and after garnering praise from the likes of Roger Ebert, this original voice in horror found that that his persistence was paying off. Eventually, he would form Glass Eye Pix—an independent production company dedicated to the ushering in of new genre talent. What everyone should know about Fessenden is that hes so much more than an accomplished film-maker. Hes also an unsung hero of sorts, having dedicated a large part of his career to shepherding and encouraging up and coming horror talent. That list of talent includes; Glenn McQuaid (I SELL THE DEAD, V/H/S), Ti West (HOUSE OF THE DEVIL, THE INNKEEPERS, THE SACRAMENT), and Jim Mickle (STAKELAND, WE ARE WHAT WE ARE, and the brilliant Joe R. Lansdale adaptation COLD IN JULY). Fessenden is known for getting a hell of a lot of mileage out of extremely low budgets too, and he does so without sacrificing the quality of a project. In this day and age of gazillion dollar budgeted Hollywood juggernauts, Fessenden seems more interested in the John Sayles approach. This is to say that hes the kind of film-maker whod be happier making 100s of micro-budgeted projects as opposed to one overly expensive movie. During the end of our 30 minute chat, Fessenden and McQuaid professed their love for old school monster flicks. In particular, they have a great fondness for the classic Universal monster movies of the 30s, 40s, and 50s. Fessenden even went so far as to say that it was titles like FRANKENSTEIN and THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON that planted that creative seed in his impressionable mind. McQuaid wholeheartedly agreed, but he went out of his way to site the Hammer Films as a major influence as well. Not surprising given that his I SELL THE DEAD certainly has a Hammer Film feel to it. Our conversation with Fessenden and McQuaid was an amazing way to start out our first Stanley Film Festival adventure, and as the weekend would go on, we would find ourselves continuously bumping into these wonderfully talented (and friendly) film-makers. Jeff was visibly on cloud nine following this meeting, and you can expect his more detailed account of our discussion with Fessenden and McQuaid soon. Glass Eye Pix-- https://facebook/glasseyepix A look at Larry Fessendens HABIT-- https://youtube/watch?v=QNRIFSQMXMc A look at Glenn McQuaids I SELL THE DEAD-- https://youtube/watch?v=7ccxr1hCsCo “DOC OF THE DEAD” The Stanley Film Festival Chapter II opened with a screening of an affectionate documentary called DOC OF THE DEAD, from director Alexandre O. Philippe. Chronicling the cinematic uprising of the zombie genre from its early beginnings (I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD) to its most recent incarnations (THE WALKING DEAD, WARM BODIES), this documentary is part of a planned thematic trilogy that began with THE PEOPLE VS. GEORGE LUCAS, continued with THE LIFE AND TIMES OF PAUL THE PSYCHIC OCTOPUS, and concludes with DOC OF THE DEAD. This ode to zombie films includes interviews with many of the usual suspects (George A. Romero, Tom Savini, Simon Pegg, Bruce Campbell, Robert Kirkman, etc.) DOC OF THE DEAD even delves into that age old debate, “Is it a zombie movie or a viral outbreak movie?”. While this flick is fun and completely harmless in its approach, I didnt really learn anything new. DOC OF THE DEAD offers an entertaining segment that suggests a real zombie outbreak might actually be possible, but beyond that, this is more of a light love letter than an insightful expose on the history of the undead. DOC OF THE DEAD trailer; https://youtube/watch?v=TFR3ERUUrT8 A CONVERSATION WITH “SPECTREVISION” FOUNDERS ELIJAH WOOD, DANIEL NOAH, AND JOSH C. WALLER Alongside Larry Fessendens “Glass Eye Pix”, the independent production company “SpectreVision” prides itself on the finding and nurturing of up and coming genre talent. Since the companys inception, founders Elijah Wood (star of LORD OF THE RINGS), Daniel Noah (director of MAX ROSE), and Josh C. Waller (director of RAZE) have brought film-makers Jason Banker (TOAD ROAD), Nacho Vigalondo (OPEN WINDOWS), Ana Lily Amirpour (A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT), and Craig Macneill (2015s THE BOY) into the fold. And with the addition of Cary Murnion & Jonathan Milott and their soon to be released horror comedy COOTIES just around the corner, “SPECTREVISION” looks to be one of the major stepping stone companys for the future of the genre film-making. Jeff and I were fortunate enough to have a lengthy conversation with the kind folks at “SpectreVision”. In addition to chatting a bit about COOTIES (which I was lucky enough to see at Sundance earlier), we talked about the companys roster of impressive talent. And, as fate would have it, we got it all on video. This is an insightful (and spirited) conversation. Have a look; https://youtube/watch?v=wDkPgOYVbhQ&feature=em-upload_owner THE BABADOOK I have seen one of the best scary movies of the last ten years and THE BABADOOK be thy name. Jennifer Kent has fashioned an old school, spook alley horror film that relies on tone and brilliant sound design rather than shock value and gore. THE BABADOOK might be derivative of landmark thriller/horror works like THE SHINING, THE EXORCIST, CARRIE, JU-ON, CREEPSHOW, PRINCE OF DARKNESS, REPULSION, POLTERGEIST, A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, and THE TWILIGHT ZONE, but it still manages to carve out an identity all its own thanks to Kents solid execution. This tale of a single mom trying to mentally and emotionally recover from a gut wrenching tragedy, is creepy and intense. As the story progresses, this woman and her troubled son are haunted by the pages of an unsettling pop-up book called The Babadook. But this flick isnt just about things that go bump in the night. This horror show is also about a woman trying to move past the grief and anger that appears to be consuming her life. Ive seen THE BABADOOK twice now and while this Australian gem has been attacked in some circles because of its final act, Im here to say I loved every frame of it. The final act is a bit ambiguous but it totally works because the film can be perceived as one of two ways. Furthermore, THE BABADOOK has guts. Anyone whose ever been the parent of a troubled, sick, or disabled child will most likely relate to this picture in a big way. Essie Davis is positively fantastic in the lead and young Noah Wiseman is equally effective, turning the overtly creepy kid role completely upside down. Oh, and did I mention that this movie is creepy as hell? It is! IFC isnt known for massive theatrical releases, but I hope in the case of this one, they go wide. THE BABADOOK is great fun to watch with a big crowd. A look at THE BABADOOK; https://youtube/watch?v=k5WQZzDRVtw A CONVERSATION WITH THE LEGENDARY JOE DANTE During my 20 years of film related coverage, Ive been fortunate enough to chat with some pretty amazing film-makers, but having an opportunity to sit down with Joe Dante was a special kind of thrill. Earlier this year, I got to spend a day on the set of Dantes latest directorial effort, a zom-com called BURYING THE EX, but I didnt really have much of an opportunity to talk to him because he had his hands full shooting a movie. When The Stanley Film Festival granted us an interview with the iconic film-maker, I think I was almost as excited as my partner in crime, Jeff Sanders. Almost! This conversation is nearly 20 minutes long and while we did get a lot of great questions in there, we easily could have spent another two hours with this guy. Still, 20 minutes with the great Joe Dante is better than no minutes.. We cover everything from Mr. Dantes collaborations with Dick Miller and John Sayles, to his early days working with Roger Corman. Plenty of chatter about THE BURBS and INNERSPACE too. We even engaged in a bit of a discussion about the rumored GREMLINS reboot thats apparently in development. Why Joe Dante isnt one of the biggest film-makers on the planet is beyond me. This man was such a huge part of my youth. Bless The Stanley Film Festival for honoring Dante with “The Master of Horror” Award. And further thanks for hosting a 30th Anniversary screening of Dantes biggest hit, GREMLINS! Without further adieu, heres video of our informative conversation with the great Mr. Joe Dante; https://youtube/watch?v=cwKwJwR2AHY WATCH FOR OUR SECOND AND FINAL STANLEY FILM FESTIVAL REPORT SOON!
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 23:13:57 +0000

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