ITS VERY IMPORTANT YOU READ B/4 COMMENT WHY IS IT SO HARD TO FIND A DECENT MAN?? I was recently chatting to a friend (fans) of mine about his female friend who is seeking a new man. She told him that it seems that all men out there are not worth the time of day. She said they are all no good, time wasting idiots and that she was ready to give up. The worst part of the story is that she is now thinking that maybe it is her that has the problem and not all these losers she keeps meeting. My friend and I started to chat about other single female friends and their past boyfriends and dates. We came to the conclusion that all these women always seem to come to the same conclusions about men. 1. The majority of single guys are a total waste of time I must say I do find it hard to admit this, being a guy, but it is true. I know so many guys that are no good lying two faced cheating bastards (hope there is no offence caused to any fellow male readers). These guys are all players, well versed in the art of manipulation. They know the techniques to getting what they want and then just dropping the girl and moving on to the next. These losers never seem to have any ambition or qualities to their lives. Just superficial idiots. The quick buck is what mostly appeals to them. By the way, although I know guys like this, I would never class them as close friends, more acquaintances. I find it a lot less frustrating to surround myself with like minded “nice” friends. But I understand a majority of the male population aren’t intelligent, motivated and faithful people. It was coming to this conclusion that brings me to my next point… 2. Women are maybe so different to guys that they drive them crazy Maybe not crazy in the du-lally sense of the word, but crazy in the way that have confused and baffled all the men that pursue them for many centuries. Girls say things like, “You should have known”, “I shouldn’t have to tell you that” or the worst of all “That was then, this is now.” I am sorry ladies but us men really do have a hard time understanding you. I have heard some women talk about a man who is ideal for them in pretty much every way, but complain about the fact he is only 95% perfect. I regularly hear my female friends say “he is too nice” or “I feel like I can walk all over him”. Once again, all due respect if this does not apply to you but I so often hear about women taking advantage of or ignoring “mr nice guy” instead of appreciating him for all his qualities. Amazingly I have found that so many good guys get cheated on for these idiot no good time wasting guys single women complain about. (found in our first conclusion). As a result the “good guy” is transformed into an “assholes... In some rare instances there are women who could appreciate the “good guy”, but they usually aren’t fortunate enough to ever find one who’s straight or lives in a 100 mile radius. This problem can be solved by our last conclusion. 3. The attitudes of women towards single men needs to change. You need to forget about all the idiots that have come and gone in the past. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off because I truly believe there is someone out there for everyone. Present the world with a confident self-sufficient woman and the good men will identify you as someone to pursue. Positive thinking doesn’t hurt either. I am a firm believer in speaking your reality into existence. So with that logic if you constantly repeat the phrase “there is no good man out there for me”, you probably won’t find any. Start to believe the opposite and just wait and see what happens. You may surprise yourself. Even if you don’t see any results, at least you’ll feel better about the search. And lets face it you we all deserve a good man!..... Uncle Vin.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:43:05 +0000

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