IT’S ALL GOOD Let me peel back the onion on something that - TopicsExpress


IT’S ALL GOOD Let me peel back the onion on something that sometimes rubs me the wrong way. It’s overused descriptive language, and it starts out as a creative way to help everyone understand something. The first time you hear it you say, “I get it! That totally makes sense!” But as more people use it, and you hear it more often, it gets a little tiresome. In fact, you roll your eyes every time you hear it after that: -Bandwidth. -Gravitas. -Red Meat. -Get the right people on the bus. -The tribe has spoken. -Yadda yadda yadda. -Drinking from a fire hose. -FUBAR. -Rut-roh. -Rocket surgery. They all lose their meaning over time (hence the eye-rolling), and it seems better to avoid them altogether. The victory is being able to paint a picture without resorting to a colloquialism. Even though, with my brain injury, I am so literal at times that it’s not even funny (What onion? I hate onions.)… I actually prefer to hear strong, descriptive language. It still often helps to hear a metaphor to wrap my head around the issue at hand, but it just may take me a little while to see the picture.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 11:37:38 +0000

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