IT’S BIGGER THAN BARACK I believe that Obama is the opposite - TopicsExpress


IT’S BIGGER THAN BARACK I believe that Obama is the opposite end of the continuum from Washington. George was God’s man and the first President, Barack is the Devil’s man and the last President. I do not, for many, many reasons, believe that the United States will survive President Obama. If I am wrong, many will point and say, “I told you so”; I will say, “Thank God He heard my prayer! This is a struggle so large and so long lasting that Barrack Obama, for all his demons and as evil as he may be, practically disappears. When one looks at the big picture, they see that it started when Lucifer rebelled. Ultimately it is a fight between Lucifer and Jehovah. There are billions of beings, both celestial and terrestrial, involved at many levels and on both sides; Obama is one of those players… so are you. Obama is on the wrong side, so are many of your friends and neighbors. Obama, like any player on the Devil’s side, is little more than a puppet on a string. There are men over him, men who know all the secrets he has spent millions to hide, men who would ruin him in a heartbeat if he rebelled. Bad news, Mitt Romney would have talked a different talk but he too would have done a puppet dance. There are men, demons and fallen angels who pull the strings of the very men who hold Obama’s strings. There are many levels of occultic control and many men dancing to a song they do not know. This is the final preparation for the crowning of the Antichrist. For many years, God called out to the church in America, begging them to repent but they would not. Now, judgment is decreed and God has, as he did with Israel, stopped listening. Prayer now should be for your family, friends and neighbors… there is still time for even neighborhoods and communities but the United States is going to fall along with Europe and all of Western Civilization… this will usher in the Antichrist and the New World Order that Bush and Romney and Clinton all dream of, right alongside Obama; same dream. In all reality, there is no President Obama. Yes, there is a man in the White House with the name Barrack Husain Obama; it’s just that he’s not really President; he is little more than a puppet on a string. Hear me out; you just might understand the concept before we are through. Long ago, before World War Two, a group of very powerful people, some in the United States and others in Europe became enamored with Communism. They wanted to bring the whole world under one central, unified, Communist government. The problem was the United States of America. No country, so wealthy and so powerful would give up what they had and accept a system that impoverished the masses while making gods of a few. They needed a plan and they came up with a blueprint. Today, the children and heirs of that group are hard at work implementing that plan. There have been snags, setbacks and revisions but the goal and the blueprint have not changed. Many have understood the plan; some have discovered pieces of it and even identified some of the major players. Those who have dared to speak and write of the plan have been silenced. Americans have never wanted to believe that something so diabolical could happen on these shores. The public scorn and ridicule have silenced most; those who insisted, died mysterious deaths. This group has sought to control Presidents. Ronald Reagan was the only man of either Party to win the Presidency without their support and permission; they tried to kill him. To bring about the demise of the United States; to make the actual transition from Private Enterprise to Socialism they needed more than a President who would often yield to their pressure; they needed a man they could control absolutely and who would follow orders without question. Years ago, they identified that man. Perhaps, Barry Soetoro was still a teenager when they identified him. He would not qualify to be President. If he wanted to become President, he would have to do exactly what he was told. The slightest rebellion would mean the immediate end of his run for power. These men could arrange everything; fix everything; Barry could do nothing. Today, as you read this, Barry can do nothing on his own. If he wishes to continue this charade as POTUS, he must obey. One hint of rebellion and he is up for impeachment; perhaps treason. The United States is being run by a group of very powerful and evil men; men dead set on taking down the United States and uniting the world under a central, Communist government; a government they can control. Barack has his handlers. Barack is a puppet on a string. Barry likes being Barack Obama. Barry likes being President. Barry will do exactly what his handlers tell him to do.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 01:00:44 +0000

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