Iblees And Maulanas ( A Ramzan gift to the Ummah) - TopicsExpress


Iblees And Maulanas ( A Ramzan gift to the Ummah) *********************************************************** ( GLIMPSES OF A SECRET CONCLAVE ) ( Startling disclosures of a secret meeting between Iblees and Maulanas of all sects, held recently somewhere amidst Himalayan mountains on the occasion of centenary celebrations of their friendship) *************************************************************************** IBLEES ( Looking quite enthusiastic) ******************************************* Away from the sight of this turbulent world, To this mountainous abode of mine ; With my countless disciples standing on guard, I extend my heartiest welcome to you, my friends! Now over hundred summers, this world has seen, Since your talents caught my piercing eye; The matchless feats, you performed so far, Make my pupils ashamed and shy. To change the track of the men of faith, My greatest foes through all the times; In your genius, my wishes have found, The safest sanctuary to hide and breed. All this prompts me to confide in you, The hidden secrets of my restive heart; A shaky self that lies beneath, The dread and awe, my name invokes. You have the sense to realize the things, My grief and sorrow, and the Grace of God; Hell and Heaven, there were both, Adam too was meant for earth. We both were the victims of the divine trap, My age- long prayer was brought to naught; Adam was timid, succumbed to it, The pique, I suffered made me bold. Poor this man, could never think, I was prodded by the Highest One; To pave his way for the evil course, To poke him into the fire of Hell. You think ,my friends ! with the deepest thought, Mercy and Grace were known as His forms; Both to be true must set no bounds, Of faith or creed or cult or belief. But all this made me less worried, Those with a fetish other than Him Fluke has brought them in my lap, Their minds, I know, their fate is known. With the dawn of Adam, to ruffle my quiet, Are the select, peculiar and faithful ones; Who never depart from their chosen path, Who are stoic to pleasure and pain. But nothing has given me trouble so great, And made me wary all along; Nothing has drained my zeal so deep, As the Prophet( S.A.W.) and his Divine Book. Both had planned to produce a race, Whose flourishing sword could scare the world; Whose pious soul could become a boon, For those who lead a benighted life. Whose faith in God could never see, The slightest jerk in the storm that rocks; The deepest roots of the hardest trees, Whose piety could make the angels shy, My anguish was added by their task. It embraced the height of soul and arm; These heirs to heaven were enjoined to have, A peerless place in moral and might. At times, I tried to rout them all, To ravage their faith through many a guise; To break the thread that ties them fast, To make them effete and a pitiable lot. Their annals are replete with my joys, When they fell on the feet of others; When their faith and zest were an oral vow, When they were aghast and set to die. But always my cheers proved a transient phase, Tossing and turning, they rose again; To thrust their way to the desired goal, To measure their swords with their foes. I drilled my mind to know the cause, What so often gives them a resurgent life; To my shock, I found, the dregs of faith, That remained lying in their dormant souls. To be rid of that, I brought you close, To finish their worth, I made you friends; Your help has given me a renewed vigor, Your deeds have raised my head so high. I know it all, but still I wish, To hear the things, from you, my friends! To make my heart throb with joy, Your winsome words are the need of the day. FIRST MAULANA ( Bowing his head in obedience) ********************************************************* For showering this honor, dignity and praise, On those who are not so deserving; The words are lacking for gratitude, The sense of smallness stings us all. As our hitherto accomplishments lag far behind, What you genuinely expected from our genius; But the way we proceed will stun you sure. The ebullience, Oh friend ! of the Quranic race, That once struck the Spanish shore and burnt; Their means of retreat, has guttered for ever. The people whose valor was never hampered, By dicey deserts and hazardous hills; Are unable to steady their stumbling legs, Every phantom fills them with fright. Their vision that distance never narrowed, And could chase the remotest things; Has been blurred and made unable, To see their own individual self. Their resplendent faces that once eclipsed, The glorious empires and their shining diadems; Are now fallen, drawn, and looking around, With imploring eyes for a helping nod. And for all this, Oh ! our dearest champion, Our incessant efforts have a final say. My brothers will tell you , how we won, The battle that kept you so long puzzled. SECOND MAULANA ************************ To keep the standards of the sanctity of trust, You placed in our wisdom as the last resort; The perils, we faced for your cause, Have no parallels in the history of humans. We keep ourselves glued to our predecessors’ name, Their rightful title as the successors to Messengers; With that veil on our face, we smash to smithereens, The people whose Prophet always likened them, To an impregnable wall of lead in its singular form. With your grace, they are now nothing more, Than the scattered mounds of sand; That is vanished by a little slow wind, Hail ! our ingenuity and glib remarks. We cry hoarse against you, my friend, To win their hearts and bring them close; We exalt the glory of their Prophet as a decoy, To make them believe, we are amongst them. In the love of Prophet and the Quranic theme, We fake our mutual hate and burning grouse; To divide their ranks and fool them all. Their Prophet once razed, they know it well, A mosque that hypocrites had built, And saved his people from the first blow, To set an instance for all to come. We have split their faith in so many ways, And preach them all a distinct cult, The mosque of each now bears its name, And allows only the people within its fold. They still wail over their Prophet’s tooth, That he lost in the ground of battle; We have pierced his body all around, By shattering his faith and his cherished goal. Each of us always remains busy, To give new twist to Quranic words; To cleave apart their remaining bonds, To make their hostilities more inveterate. My brothers have something more to reveal. THIRD MAULANA ********************* With the immense wealth of impoverished race, The magnificent structures, we have raised; With imposing domes and minarets high, We call them the centres of knowledge divine. We blunt their minds by making them cram, What for them was the means to live; A life of glory and grandeur great, Our superb caliber should draw your praise, For them we have extinguished the flames; Of the Holy Book and their Prophet’s words; And changed them both into a blind alley, Where their eyes are open to see nothing. From both they had long back learnt, To traverse through the limitless Heavens; We have pegged them down to earth, And declared it all beyond their religious pale. Beneath these domes in the mask of learning, We make parrots of them, and then rejoice; When the sons of those who till yesterday, Were the makers of the world’s destiny; Are hovering over mosques for mere pittance, With their Prophet weeping over their fate. My brothers will give you further delight. FOURTH MAULANA ************************* Aware of the Unseen, whether their Prophet was, Or was he in the know of what was revealed; What was the form of his celestial travel, The soul accompanied the body or went alone? If the light could cast his shade on earth, Or his person was beyond this natural norm; To pay him obeisance while on feet, Is the way allowed or the greatest sin; ‘Amen’ in the prayer, aloud or silent , Is an issue, integral to their faith; Whether the Prophet appointed an heir, Whether the Caliphs were the legitimate ones. The votive offerings and visits to tombs, Have much to say in our sinister moves., All these we have used as tools, To tear to shreds Mohammad’s faith, To make him ashamed before his God, On the Day of Judgment over his people’s deeds. In all these trifles, we have trapped them tight, To lead them astray from the mission they had; As a shining flame of the Prophet last. To your relief, they now rest content, Languishing in the world as the lowest creed; And all this to keep your sacred trust, To add new laurels to your name, We have laid new mines for Mohammad’s men, Much to give you the heartiest cheers, My voluble friend will speak more. FIFTH MAULANA ******************** We have drowned them all in such a belief, Where the power of the arm and the life of heart; Now become the old and stuffy things, Alien to them and against their faith. Addled with the charms of the celestial bliss, With disheveled faces and scruffy looks; From mosque to mosque, they move in groups, In search of Eden of my make. We changed for them with the change in time, The eternal command of their beloved Prophet; Who taught them to live with a rising head, That bows to none but Allah’s wish. Through drudgery, thus they want to seek, Their gorgeous dwellings in the bracing Heaven; The count of beads will grow its shady trees, Fate for them is the guide in the world. We spare no attempt to hide from them, The brandishing swords and the falling heads; Of those who never valued their gore, Over Allah’s Deen and its truthful banner. We have made them imbued with thought, The voracious reading of the Sacred Book; Is their way to obey its command, Each of its word will give them seventy goods. We are afraid, if they know, The real import of the words of God; Our designs will suffer a total crash, To you, we can never turn our face. We have placed them on a mawkish path, Till all the believers imbibe a perfect faith; Mohammad’s race will never thrive, Nothing can save them from their wreck. Once they reach that ideal point, Their sight will become so much blessed; The evil may not bear its force, They chase this dream with a frenzied zeal. The dust of the way that falls on them, Makes them free from the flames of the Hell; The sinews for them are a forbidden thing. If you excuse me for this cheek, Before us, you always hit them straight; We assume their guise and move through them, Like their own, and lead them stray. Now comes the turn of my another friend, Who will allay your remaining fears. SIXTH MAULANA ******************** To wreak our vengeance upon Mohammad’s name Who sounded a word of caution to his people; “Your bitterest foe is the Iblees -the damned ”, We have made him a point of dispute. We thrive on the shrouds of sufi saints, Whose flawless lives were the beacon light; To show to the world the Mohammad’s way, Whose deeds were the pattern of Allah’s will. We promote all vices in the name of faith, To shake and corrode the Islamic roots; For all this, we use Mohammad’s name, To exalt your glory and give you peace. All sorts of casuistry, we have to adopt, To work on the sly for your sake; The believers’ fabric, we tear apart. The minds of the ignorant are our lair, We implant in them a cult quite new; Skilled in heroics ,with the faith as a fake, We try to ravage Mohammad’s soul. SEVENTH MAULANA ************************* For us, the blood of the son of the Prophet, And all those who died, fighting the evil; The horrid tale of the thirsty babe, Have proved a boon and a divine gift. Their grief provides us lavish meals, We have achieved a means to live; The righteous cause has nothing to say, Laments, shrieks and cries are all. We never allow the words to come, From the martyrs’ graves, the hallowed ones; To rise against the evil with a naked sword, To lay down lives for Mohammad’s Deen. IBLEES ( Interrupts disapprovingly) **************************************** All your boasts now sound like a fun, The turban and the beard in the Persian Gulf; Have given me distress and I lost my faith, In your talks and the way you work. You were alive, but a beard has burnt, The blazing flames of Mohammad’s faith; The marks of martyrs , how he traced, You claim, you have erased their prints. ONE MAULANA ( With somewhat nervous jitters) ******************************************************** For that ,we all, Oh! Our Lord, Are always stung by a twinge of guilt; Our gumption could never think this fact, Karbala’s message was still not extinct. To recompense the folly, we all tried, With the garb of schism, we covered the fire; And checked its flames with all our force, To save the globe from further ruin. We started our forays to the affected zone, Wearing the robes of the clergy there; To meld with them in the shrewdest way, To preach your teachings, my lovely friend.! We promise, when we meet you next, Beyond your sight will be Mohammad’s race; We will take you around the world, To console your soul with boundless glee. IBLEES ( With a sense of perturbation) ********************************************* You will keep your trust, I know it well, The worry, I have, is somewhat real; My vision of the world is wider than yours, Still Mohammad has some ardent lovers. If some of them, with spiritual light, Intuit this meet and our secret deal; And makes it known with a clarion call, To expose your motives as my friends. Should it happen , I shudder to think, You all will become a discarded lot; My mission will suffer a serious jolt, The Dooms Day will see my defeated head. ONE MAULANA ( With a confident gesture ) ************************************************* Oh! Our friend, suave we are on this front, Religious edict is our inborn right; We have preserved it through all the times, Still it commands the needed force. If someone for the sake of Mohammad’s Deen, Dares do such a thing, as you think; We all will join our heads together, And haunt him for this presumptuous act. We will denounce him as Allah’s foe, The whole of his blood will prove too meager; To detach from his head , this heinous sin, To make him lead a peaceful life. But we will never forsake your hand, ***************************************** ( Iblees and Maulanas was written in 1986 in the form of a booklet, but now it has been included in my poetry book Voice of Heart. I drew inspiration for it from Dr. Iqbals Iblees kee Majlise Shoora ) ******************************************************************* Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani 537 F/ 30, Sherwani Nagar Sitapur Road, Lucknow, India sherwanimk@yahoo +919919777909
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:17:15 +0000

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