Ibrahim Dan-Halilu wrote The North needs a Marshal Plan that will - TopicsExpress


Ibrahim Dan-Halilu wrote The North needs a Marshal Plan that will brng all norhterners back to their roots to strategize. Nigeria of today is different from the Nigeria of yesterday that we inherited from Balewas and Ahamdu Bellos. We must equip our people with adequate knowledge and skills for them to survive in this country. Selling of dates and kola nuts in a tray or nail cutting using scissors cannot fetch our young men any good fortune. They rather return return home to cultivate their family land and produce crops. Those that are still young amaong them should go back to school and acquire good skills. If we must take our meat to the east or south, let us slaughter the cows here in the North and packaged the meat in frozen form and transport it. ALternatively, let us establish a local market in Kano, Kaduna or Abuja where retailers or dealers from the south/east will come buyand our states can generate revenue from it by taxing every vehicle that enters their territories. We must be very strategic; we must graduate from the malams of old to newly-packaged dan arewa a America. Let us use what we have to get what we want. We should not allow our illiterate citizens expose themselves to ridicule. We should provide them safety nets. Thats the essence of our education as northerners
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 09:29:38 +0000

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