Icho charira! kupi? kuZany PF! a person coming from another - TopicsExpress


Icho charira! kupi? kuZany PF! a person coming from another planet, planet voetsek, would be excused for thinking this story was written in the private media but lo and behold this came from the flagship rags of the glass and motor building. It seems no amount spin could hide this one the party is barely holding things fall apart so many shards and bhora mudondo is beckoning. ZANU-PF primary elections that were slated for Monday have been deferred to Wednesday to allow the party time to review concerns raised by disqualified candidates, the National Elections Directorate chairman said yesterday. Cde Simon Khaya Moyo — who is also the party’s national chairman — said the postponement had been necessitated by complaints Zanu PF national chairman and national elections directorate Cde Simon khaya Moyo (centre) flanked by party spokesperson Cde Rugare Gumbo and National Commissar Cde Webster Shamu raised by some cadres who thronged Zanu-PF Headquarters in Harare yesterday asking the party to reconsider decisions to bar them from contesting the primaries. “This is to give teams being deployed to all provinces to supervise the elections enough time,” Cde Khaya Moyo told journalists in Harare yesterday, while flanked by Zanu-PF national political commissar Cde Webster Shamu. “Provincial elections directorates are directed to meet on Sunday 23 June 2013 to review and consider any complaints on nominations and submit their reports to the national elections directorate on Monday 24 June 2013 by 4pm.” The directorate declined to field questions from journalists. Zanu-PF supporters from six constituencies yesterday thronged the party’s headquarters in Harare to express their grievances over the selection of candidates for the primaries. The disgruntled supporters were from Bikita West, Zvimba North, Mhangura, Muzvezve, Goromonzi West and Mutoko South. Cde Shamu addressed the supporters and explained the party procedures that governed the selection criteria. Cde Shamu said it was important for people to appreciate and uphold fundamental principles that guide the party whenever holding elections. “The process of deepening intra party democracy is not an overnight event, it’s a process. We would like to see that continue to be strengthened and deepened. After this, we should talk of democracy,” Cde Shamu said. He said the people gathered were expressing themselves and this was important, but they should appreciate the requirements that for one to become a Member of Parliament they must have at least been in the party for a cumulative five years. Cde Shamu also explained why Mrs Mariam Chombo was disqualified from contesting in Zvimba North constituency. “As for Mrs Marian Chombo, she did not meet that criteria. That is actually in her own curriculum vitae. But we should also not leave such issues unattended as a party,” he said. Cde Shamu said the commissariat department would follow up and meet the people in the various constituencies to explain reasons why some candidates could not participate in the forthcoming primary elections. He said such problems should not be brought to the party’s headquarters but be settled at district offices. If the cases have to come to the headquarters, it has to be through proper channels. Cde Shamu noted that leadership within the provinces must not suppress the will of the people. “Even if a complaint is raised against me while I’m in a leadership position, I must allow the due process of seeking redemption and resolution of the problem. I should give a chance for the matter to be handled in a satisfactory way,” he said. The supporters, clad in different party regalia bearing their chosen candidates gathered at the Zanu-PF headquarters as early as 8am. Some of the placards were inscribed – “Gushungo Pindirai”, “Pamberi nemabhiza anohwinisa Musangano”, “50/50 Mai Mujuru Pindirai”, “Vakadzi Vanogona Siyayi Vatonge Mhangura Constituency” and “Wekumanikidzwa haagone-Mhangura yaramba.” The supporters were only dispersed after being addressed by Cde Shamu but others were defiant and soughtaudience with President Mugabe. “We want to inform the President of what is happening because we don’t want the party to lose through imposition of candidates,” shouted one disgruntled supporter.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 05:25:26 +0000

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