If I could publicly send invitations to people via social media - TopicsExpress


If I could publicly send invitations to people via social media inviting them to a hell-fire conference,would they come?it wouldnt be the atheists and evolutionists who would not pitch,arguably most of the professing Christians would not bother to come because no one wants to ponder about the reality of a blazing furnace of torment.Did you hear about Hell in the Church service today?when was the last time your Pastor dedicated a sermon to Hell fervently warning about the unimaginable agony of Hell?why is it that Hell s rarely found in the vocabulary of renowned,anointed men of God?,why is it that Hell is unpopular in professing Church gatherings?why is it that sin is called a mistake or a shortcoming instead of abomination and wickedness?these smooth soothe-sayers,motivational speakers,Kingdom now dominionists,charismatic word-faith preachers want to stay relevant to the current status quo,they dont want to seem offensive and judgmental,so they come with some enticing words of speech to deceive the hearts of the simple.Why would a man called by God refuse to warn people about the severe judgement of God?why would he not zealously warn the perishing about the dreadful fire of condemnation?.A preacher is unloving and uncompassionate when he neglects preaching about sin, repentance,judgement and Hell,he is the vilest of the vilest and he should not be allowed to be behind any pulpit.Vast numbers of people are comforted with get-rich messages and best-life now power-point sermons and are never confronted about their sins and the consequences of their willful rebellion against God and His law.Can you imagine yourself standing,trembling before a Holy God on the day of judgement?can you imagine the enormous fear and state of shock of knowing that you are standing before the One that you maliciously cursed with your foul tongue and maligned?the One you daily blasphemed,rejected and denied?imagine standing before God,He reads you the vile record of your sinful life and all your deep secrets are exposed before a listening world,your impure motives and pretence all exposed,your hypocrisy and self-righteousness exposed,all your wicked actions read out to you,can you imagine the shame and embarrassment?can you imagine the horrifying sadness and regret that will be haunting your miserable heart and your distressed mind?here you are standing before a righteous God,you have gossiped,lied,cheated,stolen,killed,raped all your life and now you are standing before a God of perfect justice and holiness,you are in tears,uncontrollably shaking because you know that your fate and destination is eternal torment in the fiery lake and there is no second chance whatsoever,all your chances are all gone.Are you ready to stand before the Judge? Who will render to every man according to his deeds (Romans 2:6) In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel (Romans 2:16) So then everyone of us shall give account of Himself to God (Romans 14:12)
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:30:46 +0000

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