If I see one more complaint about people not being allowed to say - TopicsExpress


If I see one more complaint about people not being allowed to say Merry Christmas, I may explode. Christmas has been turned into such a farce...much like a feeding frenzy, in a bloodied school of sharks, and yet some of the same people who try to force the rest of us to celebrate this sacred holiday their way, who whine about not being able to say Merry Christmas, are at the epicenter of transforming, what should be a time of thanks for what Jesus gave us, into a spending fest which leads to measures of excess that would impress the most ancient practitioners of debauchery and greed. I understand that there are those of faith who get caught up in the habit of passing along illusions as fact, because they really believe in them, but this does not make them real, and I assure you that somewhere up the line, there are those who pass the illusions on knowing full well what the truth is, but truth does not fit their agenda. This goes for illusions from all factions. This is why most people choose to think for themselves. Some of us even choose to check the facts from multiple sources, or at the very least, choose not to pass on anything that we are uncertain of, no matter how seductive the illusion may be to us, in order to err on the side of truth. There is no real war on Christmas, nor laws against saying Merry Christmas, and no reason why one shouldnt be able to say, Happy Holidays on occasion, to indicate that the season celebrates more than one holiday, or even one religions holiday. Every thinking human realizes that Christmas is actually a conglomeration of holidays gathered into one days festival, as inclusion of various native practices from regions conquered by Christian nations. I am a Christian, and my personal feeling is that more damage is being done to the faith by chest thumping, whining malcontents who have every intention of being certain that the holey holiday, celebrating the man who gave his life for our sins, is practised in only the way they see fit. Once again I say, this is America. In America we enjoy the freedom to worship, and celebrate as we see fit, as long as we are not harming other people. I suspect, that if your put these whiners in a room together, and left them alone, in no time at all, even though they thought they understood what brought them together, and away from the interference of others they see less than them, they would turn upon each other in such ferocity that it would amaze most of us. Here is a hint...most of America is getting pretty tired of the tirades being forced upon the rest of us, by groups who are not content that Americas freedoms arent just for them. Those who are continually finding reasons to act like they are suffering under horrendous attacks of suppression, when they cant see that it is actually their lack of faith, not freedom that inflicts them. To live in fear over nothing is not faith. When people around the world suffer hunger, oppression, torture, the lack of the most basic freedoms or health care, most in America lead the world in excess of riches. Yet even here the gap between the rich and the rest of us grows greater each day, in order to feed the greed of a precious few. God has given us the tools, the lessons to use them, and the gift of life in a beautiful world to live where we can flourish. Whatever way you choose to believe, we are all in this together. If we choose to respect each other, to trust in the power above us, however you perceive it, we will continue to mature and grow. If we allow any one group to chain us to what they see as the only way, we loose. Stephen Worthington
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 16:34:09 +0000

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