If Jesus is so forgiving; why did He allow Judas to kill - TopicsExpress


If Jesus is so forgiving; why did He allow Judas to kill himself? There is a limited understanding to what Jesus (or) Yeshua truly represented. God (or) YHVH sent a human representative to this Earth. He is thought to be the Only Son of God. Someone may argue with this statement and say Jesus was not the ONLY GOD-ly representative sent to Earth. We can argue these two points of views until we are blue in the face. If we really want to be honest, we should realize that we are ALL representatives of God. Emphasis is placed on Jesus because it is believed that He FULLY and COMPLETELY embodied, and exercised the Spiritual, Psychological, Paranormal, Ecclesiastical, and Ministerial aspects that God required to do His work. This doesnt make Jesus any different from any other human on the planet. We all have the necessary spiritual acumen required to fulfill our purpose, and become successful. These attributes and qualities were diligently dispensed into the human conscience and sub-conscience at the very conception of what we know as the Human Mind. There are stories describing Jesus as a man who transcended the “four walls” of the human psyche. Someone who “purged the platform” of learned human behaviors, and deep-seated intellectual dispositions. The question that baffles the minds of people who study or even admire this “Phenom” named Jesus is...How? Why is this man known as the Son of God? Arent we ALL Gods kids? What makes him so damn special? All of these are great thought provoking questions. Questions that will one day lead to a massive worldwide revolution. Im veering... back to the original question. Jesus lived a short life. It is told that he only lived for 33 years. The story goes that a man named Judas actually got Jesus assassinated in exchange for a payout from the government. The Bible speaks of previous prophecies written about the birth and purpose of Jesus. It speaks of Jesus as some sort of savior and redeemer of people who are enslaved to the ordinary idiotic hum-drum of society. It speaks of the importance and purpose of his death. It speaks of the miracle that is accepted and believed by many…even today. His Resurrection. If this man was the Son of God, he knew that he would not be on Earth for long. I would imagine that if he had this knowledge beforehand, he would try to do all he could in the time that was allotted him. So, God sent a man down here to die so that I can do what? LIVE… would be the answer many “believers” might say. That answer will not suffice for those that are free thinkers. There has to be more cognitive, intellectual, and logical substance added to this “manna” in order for our psycho analytical stomachs to stop growling. Many cant readily comprehend the purpose of this God-quest” because they cant reach beyond the possibilities of his/her human existence. There is only one God of the universe. All other deities, dogmas, theories, myths, and legends fall under the Divine Creator. God is the chief architect of EVERYTHING! God is EVERYTHING and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING all at the same time. God is Jesus, God is You! Jesus was God, You are God! Jesus is Yeshua, You are Yeshua! God is Allah, Lucifer is Satan, Satan is God, Moses is Allah, Allah is YHVH, Mohammed is Eli, Yahshua is the Mahdi…and so on. As I write this, a song comes to mind… “We Are One” by Frankie Beverly, and Maze *Note: Jesus, Yeshua, Yah, YHVH, Yahweh, Divine Creator, Jehovah, Allah and any other name you decide to use to associate with this Entity can mean absolutely nothing to any ONE of us at any given time.* Basically, it doesnt matter which name you choose to acknowledge this Power by. The Creator’s effectiveness, and Its eternal relevance infinitely resonates as a result of consistent concern, and assuaged anger. This truth (alone) weighs far more than a name...to me. (You will learn more about this constant flow of Creative Intelligence as you read these explanations.) When discussing “deified doctrine”, psychology, meta-physics, quantum communication, and other “other-world” phenomenon, our minds’ abstract way of processing and dissecting, quickly congeals with familiar conscious correlation. The varied energetic pulsations and inner receptors correlate and respond to different ideas, thoughts, experiences, and teachings that were passed down to us by people from our past. (This is why the constant disagreement, and consistently contemptuous psychological perplexity regarding God and Religion has not ceased.) In the Bible, we find these words: “Heaven and Earth shall pass away.” This can be very devastating information depending on the recipient’s spiritual acquiescence and level of clarity. What Jesus taught was somewhat contraire but coincided as well. He taught us that if we just change the way we look at the things we subconsciously adjust, and adhere to, we can change the very nature of our existence. This requires an open mind and humbled spirit. A “cocky” individual is not interested in anything that will highlight the devastatingly adverse effects of their persistent ignorance, and limited knowledge (GOD). This is why he said that a camel can enter through the eye of a needle before a “rich” man can enter the Kingdom of God or Age of Enlightenment. The term “rich” had nothing to do with money, but all to do with pride and prejudice. Basically, he’s saying: a “know-it-all” can’t enter the Kingdom. He supports this ascertainment by saying old wine skins (stubborn individuals) can’t be used to hold new wine (higher intelligence) because the skin (mind) might burst (break down). Though this “new thought” seemed to have some volatile qualities, the stories paint Jesus as a teacher who carefully dispensed his higher knowledge to wiling individuals. He leveled his thoughts with the mindset of the people, and intuitively worked to raise their spiritual levels to God Status. This is the only purpose for recognizing him as a Son of God. His “Son-Ship” was to serve as a navigator for those who sought more understanding regarding who they are, and their ultimate purpose for existing. He did this by teaching that the Kingdom of Heaven (Spiritual Awakening) was closer, and more obtainable to us than we thought. What must be understood is this: Just because Jesus was human does not mean that he had limited access and authority in the Spiritual Realms. You are not limited neither! If we grasp this truth, utilize the emotional and metaphysical intelligences found deep within, and acknowledge the True Oneness of our existence and our Spirit; we can actually take humanity a little further down the pathway toward Ultimate Illumination. Jesus and many others knew this Divine Truth. This is why he taught his disciples (including Judas) to seek and find ways to open their hearts to embrace mutual love for everyone… including haters. He taught that Sincere Devotion and Divine Understanding are two premier precursors that stimulate both the heart, and mind. This is just the beginning of becoming a “New Creature”. There are arguments that go against the existence of Jesus. Some dont even believe he was a real person. I believe this stems from so many trumped up stories and myths, concerning the man. There are numerous interpretations regarding the existence and works of this man. This has turned him into an idea or mythical legend. There is very little attention and dedication attributed to Jesus the Human. If we understand the man, we can appreciate his mind. This leads us to ultimately accept his existence. Why is it so important to believe that Jesus existed? The importance of Jesus solely depends on the individual’s personal and practical knowledge of this historical figure. The spiritual connotations that are attributed to the “Jesus-Way of Living” are experienced on a deep and individualized level. Note: There is no obvious way to know whether or not someone have successfully reached Christ-Level Consciousness. The only way to assure personal peace is to maintain a level of respect for others, and trust in our discernment. There are seekers who attempt to reach enlightenment through spiritual teachers, church leaders, gurus, or meditation. There are those who put their total trust in someone else’s ability to contact the Spirit World and “Have a Talk with God”. Jesus taught people how to access higher intelligence by living a purely productive life. Let me explain...The bible teaches that the Son of God was prophesied about long before his arrival. If this is true, and Jesus was the son of God; then he would have learned of his true identity while growing up. He even stirred the minds of many by professing to be the King of the Jews. Sidebar: It seems like every rapper is a self-proclaimed king. Do you think they get their influence from Jesus? He was a king who governed no one, and had absolutely no ruling power. Much like your rap Kings” & “Bosses today. I believe he called himself king to stir up controversy amongst the people. (the fact that others called him king didnt exactly lessen the blow) Controversy always gets attention. I believe that is all Jesus was interested in...15 minutes of fame. He wanted to gather wandering minds and direct them to more disciplined teachings. The Jesus that I read about in the Bible never really had a WORSHIP ME OR DIE attitude toward anyone. Acceptance of his beliefs and teachings were purely contingent upon personal choice. There are testimonies written by people who have tried to experience God through this channel. Whether the stories are true or false are of no consequence within the conscious corridors of public opinion. Personally, I don’t believe Jesus purposed in his heart to become a god for people to “believe in”. That would be a direct contradiction of the Bible’s advice to refrain from putting too much trust in a man. Jesus wouldnt even feel comfortable with the way people “worship” him. His service and duty was always dedicated to Higher Consciousness (his Father). I gathered this assumption by simply reading the Bible. The stories reveal a humble man who taught others to remain humble on their Earth Path. This is the reason he suffered a public and popular death. Naturally, we would think that someone claiming to be a direct descendant of The Creator, would be invincible and immortal. That viewpoint would be considered microscopic from God’s Eye. If God is the Creator of Life (Heavens) and Death (Earth), why would he place himself above something that he created (Death) by NEVER experiencing LIFE through a Human Channel? Jesus died to remind all of us that he was human just like us, and that we can do great things for the People of Earth just as he did. This is why some say that he died for our sins… Huh?!? Let me explain...Sinful or Negatively Nurtured individuals usually dwell in lower realms of intelligence and consciousness. Fear, Doubt, Inadequacies, Mental Lethargy, are all subsidiary components of these lower realms. Those that are stuck within these conscious confinements usually strive to “climb out of the barrel”, which ultimately leads to failed attempts at temporary success. The goal of the Jesus Story was to lift the lowered heads of these insufferable individuals to a state of conscious awareness that magnifies their unique abilities and strengths within. This leads to an outward manifestation of discipline and intelligence never before exercised by the individual. This “new creation” can then confidently and adequately move towards higher realms of creation and self-mastery which ultimately “Opens The Windows Of Heaven”. Opportunities for promotion and prosperity begin to surface. Necessary influences and supportive people will draw towards the individual as natural as the noon-day sun. Kanye West wrote a song a while back entitled “Jesus Walks”. This song is derivative of the “walk” Jesus commissioned his disciples to take while he lived. It is a journey of self-discovery. If we would search out the depths of our existence, remain confident during the process of our awakening, and practice the disciplines necessary to maintain balance along the way, we would understand the character of this man named Jesus; and quickly and most intimately relate with him, and any other enlightened mind. The Creator has a set curriculum for His (or) Her Earthlings. The Spiritual Assignments that Jesus completed were a disruption to the institutions of knowledge and religious beliefs of that time. This caused many to be upset with him. Judas was a part of the Jesus Team once upon a time. He was a tax collector and treasurer. His mind was always on the money…naturally. The story tells us that his price was 30 pieces of silver. With this money in hand, he handed Jesus over to his killers. Judas set Jesus up! Or, did he? The story is told in a way that describes the whole life of Jesus as a setup by his Father... Not Judas. Just hear me out...The bible reads: For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. If this is true, then God knew that He would receive His Son back “home” at some point. Meaning he would eventually die one day. Whether by natural causes or by crucifixion, Jesus was a natural recipient of the respect and homage, due to all humans. The word gave gives us this revelation. Judas was just a character sent to fulfill the final destination of Jesus. Jesus knew all of this. He was in constant communication with the Spirit World. You may ask...If this is all true; Why did Judas kill himself? The answer to that question lies within your ability to discern what is right and wrong. Just because your part in the Grand Design is played well, doesnt mean that it will end well. If your character in this Divine Motion Picture is evil, then your demise will reflect the role. The story tells us that Judas was so ill with guilt from his actions, that he hung himself. His body succumbed to the laws of gravity and dropped to the ground and bled out, covering the ground with blood. Why couldnt he just go to Jesus for forgiveness? There are words that are recorded in the bible: Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do. It is said that Jesus spoke these words while hanging on a tree on a hill in Calvary. If his heart is so pure, that he would forgive his murderers by using his last breaths to pray for them; Why didnt Judas just come to him? Pride is a terrible entity when it is misused. Judas pride killed him. Not Gods unwillingness to forgive him. He could have easily made peace with his former teacher before he died. Think about it: Judas had already repented by giving the money back. His redemption process had already commenced. Im pretty sure Jesus wasnt prejudiced in his request for forgiveness on the cross. He must’ve included Judas in his prayers. With this in mind, I would quickly surmise that Judas actually died a forgiven man. *If this is not true, then Jesus never had any real connections with God, and His prayer for forgiveness was just to showcase a Holier than thou persona in the face of his “adversaries”, and sure death. This would render his whole life null, and void. This would also justify his murderers because thats exactly why they killed the “King of Kings”.* Judas actually died an honorable death because his death reveals to us the unique connection we have with everyone. Judas didn’t feel guilty because THEY DUN KILL’T DA LAWD!!! Judas was upset because they killed a man…a fellow human. If you look close enough, you can actually see Judas’ true love for Jesus expressed through the way he died. There was another disciple who actually denied knowing Jesus. He didn’t want to suffer and die the way Jesus did. Judas was a little more devoted than his fearful colleague. Peter saved his life through denial. Judas lost his life through affirmation and revelation. He proudly boasted his association with Jesus, and openly revealed his knowledge of Jesus’ whereabouts. Sidebar: Though they were coming to seize Jesus, if there were one person in the mob willing to hear and be healed(enlightened), I think a man like Jesus would help. No matter the circumstances. Another way to look at it would be that Judas led them to Life under the guise of conspiracy and execution. Question: How do we know whether or not the murderers were “Saved” after Jesus died? The resurrection reveals to us that his power and influence transcended the limitations of a physical life. If this is true, Jesus was working even after his spirit left his Earthen Vessel. Judas confirmed his knowledge with a kiss. He didn’t just reveal his knowledge of who Jesus is. He also presented an intimate portrait of the heart of Jesus, and those who follow him. Think of it this way: Would you let one of your haters get so close to you, that they can kiss you on the cheek? Judas’ mind and heart was not far from Jesus at all. He just faced what many people deal with in life…temptation. Jesus was tempted to turn his back on his purpose. He faced and fought that temptation by dying. *This was the ultimate fulfillment of his purpose.* Judas was tempted to turn his back on Jesus and his teachings. He faced and fought that temptation by denying himself. He hung his head and died...just like his brother did. Jesus and Judas both committed suicide. How did Jesus Commit Suicide? He did this by purposely going against the religious authorities, and opening the hearts and minds of people with “Sound Doctrine” provided by the supposed Creator of Consciousness. In those times, that meant instant death because this new way of thinking can clash with the established systems, ultimately leading the people toward massive revolt. Even though he knew this, he taught and touched anyway. He provoked the system to fulfill His Calling. This is why there are no hard feelings between Judas and Jesus. Judas died: On Purpose, With Purpose. #KINGish
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:05:16 +0000

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