If They Had Only Listened Do you remember the story of the two men - TopicsExpress


If They Had Only Listened Do you remember the story of the two men who walked from Jerusalem to Emmaus on the Sunday of the resurrection? Now the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus is not an easy road. It goes downhill sharply. The hills are very steep and the valley is very narrow. If you and I could have placed ourselves on that steep slope and watched on that Sunday afternoon, we would have seen these two men coming along the trail obviously despondent. Their shoulders slumped, their feet dragging and, in spite of the fact that another man walks with them for a way before they go out of our sight and into one of the villages, they still seem very, very cast down and discouraged because the Lord had been crucified. Then, in a little while, we suddenly see that door open and those two men come out of that little house like they were shot out of a gun. They start rampaging up that narrow zigzag road back toward Jerusalem in such haste that they overrun the corners in some places and have to come back and find their way again in the deepening shadows. They cannot rest until they get all the way back to Jerusalem. They find that upper room and they pound on the door. When they are let in, they say, "He is alive! He is alive! We have seen Him! He is alive!" Can you imagine the change? We like to think about that night when Jesus appeared among them and they saw, with their own eyes, that it was really true. But what I want to ask you to consider is what might have been. Jesus had told them, not less than three times, what was going to happen to Him. Three times He had told them that He was going to go to Jerusalem, to be crucified and would rise again. But when He came to the part about the crucifixion, they stopped listening. If they had fully internalized the promise of the resurrection, just imagine where they would have been early Sunday morning. They would not have been mourning in the upper room; they would have been out at the gravesite, would they not? And they would have seen that glorious moment when the angel of God came down and said, "Son of God, come forth. Thy Father calls Thee." How much power that would have given to their witness if everywhere they went they could say, "We saw Him come out of the tomb with our own eyes." They suffered much sadness because they did not listen to everything Jesus said. You and I should now listen to what God has told us through His prophet about the great shaking time. If we do not listen, we might be as overcome with discouragement and despondency as they were. Carefully note these unfailing promises.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 07:34:02 +0000

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