If You Don’t Know, You will Never Know Edify: Building, - TopicsExpress


If You Don’t Know, You will Never Know Edify: Building, Foundation, Structure, Building the House of God, Building the FAMILY in the House of God, EDIFICATION OF THE BODY OF CHRIST Shall we go right into the structure of scriptures? So we can be ‘edified’ by it? Alright then, Romans 14:12-17, I implore you to read this whole thing, but I’m going to get right to the point, “Don’t let something you consider as good be criticized as WRONG!” Let me go back a couple verses, “If your brother or sister is upset with what you eat, you are no longer walking in love.” Stop judging by intent. But I say this and I say this also, stop trying to please people that are in the church but are not walking in the Spirit of God! We cannot please someone that has no intent on ‘edifying’ the Body of Christ. If we do, then we disregard scripture all together. Let’s stop putting our stuff all out there for people to condemn, the life you lead is not their life, and we should be walking in Christ anyway, get the picture? I have told people of dreams and visions and have been totally rejected, so it doesn’t bother me anymore, even prophetic words for some, again being rejected, nobody wants truth, but how does this edify the Body of Christ? Being rejected? Well? Not so much… Why do we still bust on people when they are walking in sin? Are we here to convict or correct? We need to correct for damage control and show conviction to the Word, not convict by scripture. Step up not out and be as one family, one house and maintain the duties of the Spirit of God. And another thing, Philosophy will not bring forth growth, it just keeps us wandering and wondering, and not truly searching and moving. By this I mean just thinking about something will not make it come to pass. I want to talk a bit about the Spirit of God, and how it is by the most part, disregarded by many as not part of God’s plan for our ‘edification’ of the Church. So let’s go to Proverbs 30:5-6, “All God’s Words are ‘tried’ and ‘true’: A shield for those who take refuge in Him. Don’t add to His words or he will correct you and show you to be a liar. At this, a half truth does not ‘edify’ the Body of Christ. Who are we to say, “I have been baptized in water and this is where I feel comfortable.” At that we are only speaking half of the Message. Also, who are we to challenge the Word and say, “satan has more power over us”? If I was to tell you today that the Body of Christ cannot be edified without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, how would you respond? Jesus, the Son of God said it way before I did, even before I knew Him!! He said, “Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for what the Father has promised.” Acts 1:4, and He goes on to speak, “John Baptized with water, but only in a few days you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit.” Now at this, he was talking to those who had already been baptized in water if you think about it for even a quick second, because he was not speaking to unbelievers. Then go to verse 8, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses.” Jesus said this, yet His Words are either changed or denied. Denied meaning any thought that comes upon this Scripture, that is not of this scripture, I speak of the , “yeah buts.” Now I am going to refer back to proverbs, “Nothing added to”? Well, how about this one, A minister, or so called pastor, said to me, after we were discussing the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, He said, and I quote, “Some by fire, some by the blood, but all by water.” Please please please… SOMEBODY SHOW ME WHERE IT SAYS THIS!!!! This is definitely not going to ‘edify’ the body by any means. Wake up sleepers! If you are going to preach, preach the Gospel and not just half a Word and the other half you make up! My God today people!!! Stop being a fake! O.k., let me slow down for a second: You might not be preaching a false word, but why are some comfortable only preaching half the message, and the message of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit becomes almost tabu? 2 Corinthians 13:8, “We can’t do anything against the truth but only help the truth.” So start putting the truth out there. Many are afraid they will lose what they have, like half their congregation. Well I have to say it’s better to lose them than you’re your salvation! What’s many worth to the worth of one that’s true to the Word of God? Is it really too much work? This Baptism thing? Does it step on the toes of those who think of their families before they take God’s Word into consideration? Go back to verse 5 in 2 Corinthians & 13, “Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith.” Examine the Word you read, examine your life, examine your walk, what others have told you, and also examine your ministry. Put it under a microscope if you have to, take it to that extreme! Are we walking in the true Word, or just a part of it? Do we stop at half a paragraph so we only receive the first part of the whole message? I think this a lot of people today. “Don’t you know Jesus Christ is in you?!” Put the Gospel of the whole truth in order, then you will find yourself aligned for what God has called you to do. Check out John 7:39 and find understanding here, “Jesus said this concerning the Spirit.” Jesus said this! “Those who believed in Him would soon receive the Spirit, but they hadn’t experienced the Spirit yet, since Jesus had not yet been Glorified.” Only God can restore us, and he does this through our faith, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There are many who tell us we should be comfortable with the baptism of water, WHY? Because they don’t want us to have the same gifts or anointing as them, we just might be speaking more truth than they do, and this would be bad for their ‘business’. Get it? Once we receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, we can’t turn away, for we will truly be held accountable for all our actions in the Spirit of things, Hebrews 6:4-5, and Luke 12:48, “Much will be demanded from everyone who has given much, and from the one who has been entrusted with much even more will be asked.” Now I have to ask, is this why many do not want to hear the entire message? So not much will be asked of them? Are we completely comfortable in our surroundings knowing God is requiring so much more from us? Still not there yet? Even John the Baptist spoke of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or the ‘Fire’ speaking in Matthew 3:11, “I baptize you with water those of you that have changed your hearts and lives.” But even John, as a Prophet, knew of one greater saying, “The one (Jesus) who is coming after me is even stronger than I am. I am not worthy to carry His sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire.” Even Peter remembered what Jesus spoke when he was with them before he ascended into Heaven, Acts 11:16, “John will baptize in water, but you will be baptized ‘with’ the Holy Spirit.” Yes, it written we should go out and baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but if we are to predicate the baptism on this one statement, and we are satisfied with this, then the completeness of the message is lost. It’s quoting a scripture just to quote it, with no meaning or factual evidence to back it up. Go ahead and read the entirety of the Book of Acts, and you will see all over the place the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and also what I meant by the completeness of the edification of the church. So David wrote in Psalms, “You’ve made them only slightly less divine crowning them with Glory and Grandeur, you’ve let them rule over your handiwork putting everything under their feet.” So we need to start, if God has done this for us, to take in every single account of God’s Glory and follow His righteous path all the way into the Kingdom of Heaven, and this includes the fullness of all that is written, even the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I ask that you take a good look at what you’ve been taught and seen, that you may come to the understanding WITH CHRIST IN YOU, that He is your Lord and savior, not what someone ‘half’ teaches us, God’s Grace and His fulfillment be upon you, AMEN!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 22:16:42 +0000

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