If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels - TopicsExpress


If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. With the just concluded MIC’s branches AGM’s, almost 30% of the new chairmen are from the learned and professional lot. We have never had this kind of numbers to be proud of. Now we see the real transformation taking place instead of failed rebranding in MIC. Kudos to Dato Seri G Palanivel. As the President promised in many meetings with the branches chairmen, and if those changes are forthcoming, we will see a very bright colored MIC to face the more challenging PRU14. Do we have the guts and political will to change…..? 1. Election at all levels including the state leadership 2. Fusion of young energetic leaders with old faces at the advisory level 3. All the KPI’s and KRA’s monitoring bureau at state and divisional level and ensure the functionality of the bureau with credible leadership at helm. 4. Can we also include the presidential terms of not more than 2 elected terms. Dato Seri G Palanivel’s first victory, as an appointed President is bringing changes to the culture and thoughts and the major feat for now is the leadership change of branches to a more young, vibrant and learned professionals. With these records in hand, we strongly believe that more transformations are in the pipeline and we need to elect the right man at helm. Of course I am not going to say that “ no election” for the top post, no, no, no…..I am for transparency, democracy and you name it for the betterment of the new generation…BUT do we want to go into pre-Palanivel’s regime which most probably were suitable at that point of time, no more now. We now need thinker, planner and executor, a complete CEO in power. And I believe Dato Seri G Palanivel is ready to take anyone and we are ready to ensure we execute changes in MIC. Folks, many ethnic and internal conflicts were triggered by self obsessed leaders who will do anything to get and keep power. Dynamic and vibrant MIC is most needed now……..
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 05:27:33 +0000

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