If one has the desire to do something positive and worthy it is - TopicsExpress


If one has the desire to do something positive and worthy it is because of God that created us planted the desire there. Nothing done or dreamed is without God. The bible says that God predetermined our life before we were born while we were still in the womb. Because of this one has to know that we are capable of overcoming any obstacle that gets in front of us. The road to accomplishment may be filled with detours but the destination remains at the end of the directions. There will be times when one wants to give up but that is when we must stop and refuel or take an alternate route. I have had plenty of times where I could have given up and I actually tried but somehow could not quit. I learned from the failed suicides that my life has a purpose. I know I have a strong story that must be told to the nations. I am using my talent as a writer to tell the story in hopes of helping others that are faced with the same difficulties or more than what I have been faced with. The reason a person doesn’t make it to their desired position in life is because they give up and throw in the towel right before the breakthrough. Just think of all those that made it before you and the story they tell. I look at Tyler Perry for example went from being homeless, molested as a child, verge of suicide, and not selling many tickets to his plays to a mega millionaire and television and movie producer. He owns his own studio and writes his own scripts. If he had given up or if God would have allowed him to end his life God’s purpose and plan for his life would not have been fulfilled. God intends to get the get the glory for everything he touches and the enemy which is Satan knows this that is why Satan attempts to steal souls and lives before the purpose is fulfilled. There are other stories that you can use as examples. Oprah Winfrey molested physically and mentally as a child. Then you have many entertainers who worked different odd jobs before they made it big. God won’t fail you if you follow his instructions or don’t quit talking to him or serving him. Take time out of your busy schedule to acknowledge him and your life will be fruitful and prosperous. I once wanted to give up on God too for at the beginning of my bout with mental illness and the pregnancy felt God had cursed me or was punishing me. It took the counsel of Mea to direct me back to God and repentance and prayer to acknowledge that God was not punishing me or did not curse me but in fact gave me what I prayed for once again. I had prayed for a guardian angel to take me out of the street life and I was granted a son. No one knows how or when God will answer prayers but know that he will answer them. That is the mystery of God. He may not come through when we want him to but he will come through always on time. That time being when we need him the most. God is an all seeing God. He is not one to leave us nor forsake us. If you don’t know for yourself just get the bible and read the book of Job. In the book of Job God allowed Satan to take his most faithful servant Job and test him. Job was a wealthy well respected and liked man with a wife and children. During the test Satan took away all what Job possessed. He took his wife and children. He made Job a hermit and yet Job did not curse God nor stop praying to God. Instead Job asked God why have thou forsaken me and how long will thy turn thy back on me. God was pleased with Job through this and allowed Satan to do this to Job because he knew Job would not curse him and he was his most faithful servant. In the end Satan fled Job and God blessed Job with more possessions than he had before Satan had taken them away. He was favored more and even lived to see his children’s children totaling a hundred and forty years. There are many stories in the bible that tell how God loves us and wants us to succeed. The book of Daniel is another testimony where God put his armor around his servant. In this book Daniel was in thrown in a lion’s den by the king for not bowing down to worship the king. The king thought the hungry lions would devour Daniel but instead God placed his shield around Daniel and the lions did not touch Daniel instead they became as timid cats. God’s mercy and grace is everlasting and forever more. Other books such as Psalms, Proverbs, and Revelations are all great readings and inspiring motivation to believe in self and God to get us through whatever situation we may faced with. It is written that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to save us. What more better than that to prove love. If we could practice showing more love for ourselves and others the blessings will begin to pour down from the heavens above and we could start living a more fulfilled life. To show love is tough to someone that has been beat down, abused, and never been shown love. The breakthrough takes a little longer because the heart has been hardened and the trust level diminished. Take it from someone who has been there if you give it a chance you find a great peace within and happiness throughout. To be in a different place than where we start is called growth. Don’t be afraid to grow as an individual because with growth comes self-gratification and endless joy. I remember when I first was able to love myself after I gave up the old ways I was accustomed to living. I also developed a conscious then I started caring for others and was able to really love others. Don’t get me wrong being able to love others is a joyous thing but when others don’t love you back as expected can hurt. In this situation we must love from a distance. Pray that those we love find peace, mercy, and grace. In the bible it tells us to love our enemy even when he smites us turn the other cheek and let him smite us on that cheek as well. I can go on and on about different stories in the bible that speaks of love, faith, and overcoming defeat and doubt but I will leave it to you to seek for yourself. The whole purpose for this book is to give you hope and power to overcome what obstacles that may hinder you or that you think you can’t overcome. I want to let you know you are not the first or only one that may be going through it. There are resources for you if you seek them out.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 19:08:34 +0000

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