If only modern Israel had respected the thoughts of one of their - TopicsExpress


If only modern Israel had respected the thoughts of one of their founding fathers, Ben Guerion. Sadly we are a long way away from his noble thoughts: We have rebelled against all controls and religions, all laws and judgments which the mighty sought to foist upon us. We kept to our dedication and our missions. By these will the State be judged, by the moral character it imparts to its citizens, by the human values determining its inner and outward relations, and by its fidelity, in thought and act, to the supreme behest: and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Here is crystallized the eternal law of Judaism, and all the written ethics in the world can say no more. The State will be worthy of its name only if its systems, social and economic, political and legal, are based upon these imperishable words. They are more than a formal precept which can be construed as passive or negative: not to deprive, not to rob, not to oppress, not to hurt.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 08:42:24 +0000

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