If something is making you feel anger or stress....LET IT GO! - TopicsExpress


If something is making you feel anger or stress....LET IT GO! Releasing those feelings will only serve to make you feel lighter and brighter. It serves you absolutely no purpose whatsoever to hold onto negative feelings. All it does is empower that energy to stick around longer. Would you rather hold onto feelings of anger, or feelings of joy? Keep in mind that the feelings that you embrace and keep in your space, will attract energy that resonate with them. So if you choose to empower negative feelings by dwelling on them, you are in turn going to attract energies that will perpetuate those negative feelings. If you choose to release the negativity, and embrace feelings of joy and strength, you will find yourself blessed with energies that promote joy and strength in your space. Sometimes the strongest and wisest thing you can do, is release what is causing you pain, and refuse to allow that in your thoughts any longer. #Happiness #Enlightened #JessicaCostello Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. ~Buddha
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:26:52 +0000

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