If suddenly you find yourself constantly around one person and - TopicsExpress


If suddenly you find yourself constantly around one person and realize that you havent seen your friends and family in a while, you maybe be a victim of a manipulator. Manipulators will isolate you from all you love and keep you to themselves and start brainwashing you against anyone that might try to talk you against them. Then anytime something goes wrong in your relationship with that manipulator, they will blame you and say its your fault and make you feel guilty about hurting them, when in reality they are the evil ones. The worst part about the entire situation is that the manipulated person doesnt know they are being used and feel they are the ones to blame anytime something goes wrong. Manipulators choose their prey carefully. They choose the ones most easily swayed and feed them lies to keep their victim chained to them. Wake up and smell the signs. If you think you are being used or manipulated in any way, break yourself free from that person immediately. If you dont, the cycle will continue on and you will continue to hurt. I say this because I had to deal with a manipulative person growing up and breaking free from their control and hate was the best decision of my life. I literally would not be alive today if I hadnt made that life changing decision.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:18:50 +0000

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