If the system considers your Birth (Berth or State Registration), - TopicsExpress


If the system considers your Birth (Berth or State Registration), the day of the first breath of life, to be without mind (A-Manasa), it goes in direct contradiction of the reality of that life force entering our plane of existence. Societies such as the Knights Templar maintained the secrets of Duality through the age, with carvings and allegory held at monumental sites such as Roslyn Chapel and Avalon as well as others, these Templar knew of something only recently deciphered by science. Duality of Self is a concept that many cannot grasp, you are your own, you are individual, all through your life, your senses tampered with subtly giving you a false sense of reality. Science now backs up the theories that the body is separate to the mind. The body as a whole, all its moving parts counted as one organism cannot work without the mind, the electrical impulses that create thought, and with this thought, and its associated memories, the body has its soul. It can be easily demonstrated that to have no mind at birth would make you a still birth, dead on arrival. The system of Berth Certification now has a twist to it, the Eve is brought out of the Adam, and the child is ‘spell-bound’ and set into a life of ‘Sin’ by way of “Raising the Dead” each and every time a contract is created. But was this always the case, and if not, what makes it the case? This is the ebb and flow of the struggle for power, deep beneath the surface this struggle still goes on. Societies are oppressed and begin to war within themselves, but this is usually set on its course for destruction by the fight that goes on within one’s self, the Angel v the Demon, the Devil on your Shoulder. Humanity is born into a system. This all starts with the basic principles of natural evolution amongst Man, or Adam. One man in a forest is obligated only to himself and his creation, as he is made in God’s Image, Man is the Creator. Man was made male and female, and in this division his progeny created Family. One family in the forest is now obligated to each other, under a Father or Mother, the family unit maintains harmony within and with the forest. Bring another family into the forest and competition is introduced, ownership starts to become prevalent and the natural instinct to defend becomes the norm. What happens when ten families start to live in the forest? Do they all agree with each other? Does each of them have a Matriarch or Patriarch, a Father or Mother turned King or Queen. What happens when resources become the target of certain families, or jealousy is introduced into the system? Families stood firm under the Master of the Household, Unions of Kingdoms, Warring Nations, Bankruptcy, Pillage and more impacting on the Family Estate causing some families to rely on others. When a family has to rely on others, how does the Estate manage them as a Beneficiary? How does Humanity come into all of this? One would naturally think that humanity is the natural growth through the order of things, warring and siding families ebbing and flowing over land title and civil claim of ownership. This is somewhat true, the natural order of life on the planet does make the most influence on the way we live on it. What then, defines Humans within that Humanity? It is not known, not by science, nor by theology, the true history of the planet and its inhabitation by homo sapiens. Science blurs into Theology and the answers become stretched truths. A uni-verse has been written, one story, and the accumulation of mythology with fact has streamed a curriculum taught to us within the State Schooling systems around the world. Family Estates and the eventual stress of a war-mongering state had likely seen a complete takeover world wide of all systems by one power in the past, a giant. The pressures of what are known as the Giants of Power, the Gibberim, Nephilim, Titans and now the Romans have likely existed in the same vane through all of the four eons or Kalpa’s in the written theology. The giants influenced the entire planet and all its peoples, encapsulating all within their own systems, becoming the Estate that others are forced to live on. It is not however this need to live under someone elses umbrella that causes man to be human. During these takeovers of by gone eras, a system has developed, and it has become more a case of escaping control, rather than trying to create a control system. The need to feel secure, and be able to defend what one builds, creates the imbalance around the world today. Humanity is the result of the power of a few over the many, the few expanding their knowledge far beyond that of the many. As the in-divid-u-al, is divided amongst the common, the divide between poor and rich can be seen differently to the Theologist, this is a divide between the divine and the monster. Pushed into a system as a free child, it is not the birth certificate that separates Man from Monster. Being without mind has allowed the Birth Certificate to be put in place. Being without mind has left one in a lower sub class of Man, the Eve before the Adam. As a Human, not quite a Man, one is given Human Rights, a Liberty, your Inalienable Rights, your God Given Rights put to the wayside in place of Liberty. Providing you Liberties to save your Freedoms because as a Human you are without mind and unable to stand up for them yourself.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 02:30:49 +0000

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