If we dont take notice our democracy is in danger! Please take the - TopicsExpress


If we dont take notice our democracy is in danger! Please take the time to use your free speech whilst we still have it. This is what I wrote: It is my understanding that this proposed bill has not been thought through properly and will have an impact on freedom of speech and democracy in this country. Besides trade unions, leaders of charities, churches and faith groups are starting to realise it could redefine activities they have always regarded as being far above party politics as election campaigning – and that if they fail to comply with the spending limits, they will be committing a criminal offence. I understand that this bill proposes that anything that might change the mind of a voter will count as election campaigning in future. If you are critical of a government policy in the year before an election, that will count as election campaigning. If you are active against racism then you could be campaigning against far-right parties. Believe me you will end up losing the next election if you carry on this way as frighteningly the far right parties like UKIP will benefit from this bill and they are already gaining ground. In light of how the government is misusing the anti terrorist laws in the detaining of journalists I am beginning to wonder whether we are rapidly descending into the bullying tactics of a police state rather than a democracy. Our democracy is too important to be closed down for everyone other than political parties for a year before an election. The government should withdraw part two of this bill. And if it thinks there is a problem that needs a legislative solution then it should at least make the effort to consult with others and build a cross-party, cross-civil society consensus. That would be the best way to guarantee freedom of speech while stopping those with the biggest wallets buying elections. I ask that you closely look at all the criticism of this bill and see what needs changing to preserve our democracy.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 11:54:48 +0000

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