If we stop wasting time and begin at once to watch the mind and - TopicsExpress


If we stop wasting time and begin at once to watch the mind and control it, enlightenment will cease to be a distant goal—we can accomplish it, for certain. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* We should take refuge from the very depth of our hearts and the marrow of our bones, with mindful confidence, not becoming distracted for a second. We should understand that we and all others are just slaves to our obscuring kleshas, caught in the ocean of samsara. With the wish to liberate ourselves from that frightening and vicious place, we seek the Three Jewels’ help. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Photo: Rinpoche with Mynak Rinpoche and Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* A mirror does not judge whether the image it reflects is beautiful or ugly; likewise, the Buddha, through his wisdom mind free of thoughts, knows that the nature of all phenomena is the dharmata, emptiness, as it is. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Do not forget the Lama Pray to him at all times. Do not forget death Persist in Dharma. Do not be carried away by thoughts Watch the nature of mind. Do not forget sentient beings With compassion dedicate the merit to them. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Unless you have made a clear decision to turn your back on samsara, then however many prayers you recite, however much you meditate, however many years you remain in retreat, it will all be in vain. You may have a long life, but it will be without essence. You may accumulate great wealth, but it will be meaningless. The only thing that is really worth doing is to get steadily closer to enlightenment and further away from samsara. Think about it carefully. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Even to hear the teachings is something very rare, which only happens once in aeons. That you have met the Dharma now is not just coincidence. It results from your past positive actions. Such an opportunity should not be wasted. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Indeed, adversaries and people who try to harm you can be powerful sources of help on the bodhisattva path. By bringing about situations which would normally trigger your anger or hatred, they give you the precious opportunity to train in transforming those negative emotions with patience. On the path, such people will do you far more good than any well-disposed friend. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* In order to be able to practice Dharma, it may happen that you have to endure illness, or suffer from heat, cold, hunger or thirst. But since these short-term sufferings will help you purify your past negative actions and, in the long term, to reach ultimate buddhahood, accept them with joy, like a swan gliding into a lotus pond! Kyabje DIlgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Discipline is the foundation of all Dharma practice. It provides the ground upon which all positive qualities can be cultivated. In the same way that all the oceans and mountains are supported by the underlying mass of the earth, all the practices of the Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana are supported by the backbone of discipline. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Look at the true nature of harm itself. It is as ungraspable as writing on water. Let resentment vanish of its own accord, and as soon as the fiery waves of thoughts subside, let everything become like an empty sky, where there is nothing to gain and nothing to lose. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Even if you practice only for an hour a day with faith and inspiration, good qualities will steadily increase. Regular practice makes it easy to transform your mind. From seeing only relative truth, you will eventually reach a profound certainty in the meaning of absolute truth. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* All sentient beings are the same in wishing to be happy and not to suffer. The great difference between oneself and others is in numbers—there is only one of me, but countless others. So, my happiness and my suffering are completely insignificant compared to the happiness and suffering of infinite other beings. What truly matters is whether other beings are happy or suffering. This is the basis of bodhichitta. We should wish others to be happy rather than ourselves, and we should especially wish happiness for those whom we perceive as enemies and those who treat us badly. Otherwise, what is the use of compassion? Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* A crystal, when placed on a piece of cloth, takes on the color of that cloth, whether white, yellow, red or black. In the same way, the friends with whom you keep company the most often, whether suitable or unsuitable, will greatly influence the direction your life and practice take. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* In our delusion, we see things as being permanent and truly self-existing. But in reality phenomena are impermanent, and devoid of any true substantial existence. We want to believe that our friends, partner, wealth and influence will all endure, but by nature they are bound to change. It is therefore senseless to be so preoccupied with them. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - ********************************************************************************************* It is not so important to purify just one’s own karma: the most important thing is to purify the karma of all mother sentient beings. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Once you have understood the union of emptiness and the dependent arising of phenomena, you will see clearly how deluded and deceiving the ways of the world really are, and, like an old man forced to play children’s games, you will find them very tiresome. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Your view can, and should be, as high as possible—there is no danger in this since enlightenment is the total realization of the absolute view. But at the same time your behavior should be as grounded as possible in an awareness of cause and effect. If you lose this basic attitude regarding actions, if you forget all common sense and use the loftiness of the view as an excuse for putting into action whatever comes into your mind, you are engaging in mundane activities contrary to the Dharma, just like ordinary worldly people. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* The presence of space makes it possible for the whole universe to be set out within it, and yet this does not alter or condition space in any way. Although rainbows appear in the sky, they do not make any difference to the sky; it is simply that the sky makes the appearance of rainbows possible. Phenomena adorn emptiness, but never corrupt it. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* When your realization of emptiness becomes as vast as the sky, you will gain an even greater conviction about the law of cause and effect, and you will see just how important your conduct really is. Relative truth functions inexorably within absolute truth. Kyabje DIlgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Phenomena adorn emptiness, but never corrupt it. If you have a thorough understanding of the way phenomena appear through dependent arising, it will not be difficult for you to understand the view of emptiness while remaining in meditation. On arising from such a meditation and entering the path of action, you will recognise clearly the direct relationship between actions and their results. This will enable you to discriminate easily between positive and negative actions. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Devotion is as precious as having a skilled hand that can accomplish all crafts. It is like a great treasure which fulfills all needs, the panacea which cures all illness. Entrust your heart and mind to the Three Jewels like throwing a stone into deep water. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* If we cease to have strong clinging to our body, possessions, and relatives, we will naturally stop feeling aggression toward those we consider as our enemies and compulsive attraction toward those we consider as friends. A true bodhisattva makes no distinction between a person touching one side of his body with a silken scarf and someone cutting his flesh on the other side. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Mindfulness of death is a nectarlike medicine that restores you to health and a sentinel that watches over the discipline of your practice, never letting it stray into distractions. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* The more you are preoccupied by your own physical aging, the more anxious you will become. Do not worry so much about your physical appearance. Concentrate, rather, on not wasting your life. Practice the Dharma. The more you engage in it, the more your satisfaction will grow. ********************************************************************************************* To be attached to the reality of phenomena, tormented by attraction and repulsion, and obsessed by the eight worldly preoccupations is what causes the mind to freeze. Melt the ice of your concepts so that the fluid water of free perception can flow. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoc ********************************************************************************************* Anniversary of the Parinirvana of Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Sangyé künkyi khyen nyi yeshé zuk --Form of primal wisdom, two knowledges of all the Buddhas, Tsechen yeshé namröl jampel yang --You are Manjushri, the play of wisdom and great love, Tupten shingta khedrup wangpo ché --Lord of learned and accomplished masters, chariot of the Buddha’s teachings, Péma dongak lingpar sölwa dep Péma Dongak Lingpa, --I pray to you! ********************************************************************************************* When some great teachers of the past reflected on the rarity of human existence, they did not even feel like sleeping; they could not bear to waste a single moment. They put all their energy into spiritual practice. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Through the understanding of emptiness, you will perceive no difference between yourself and others. You will be free of self-cherishing, compassion will arise spontaneously, and you will benefit beings without any effort. Even great bodhisattva acts like giving your life for another’s benefit will not be difficult for you, and you will be able to perform altruistic deeds effortlessly over many kalpas. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* It is not enough to wish from time to time that you could be free of samsara. That idea must pervade your stream of thinking, day and night. A prisoner locked in jail thinks all the time about different ways of getting free—how he might climb over the walls, ask powerful people to intervene, or raise money to bribe someone. So, too, seeing the suffering and imperfection of samsara, never stop thinking about how to gain liberation, with a deep feeling of renunciation. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoches Parinirvana Anniversary By the power of your bodhicitta vow for numberless kalpas, To you venerable vinaya master and upholder of the three vows, Who is these times has illuminated the whole of the conquerors teachings we pray: Appear again swiftly as a youthful rupakaya emanation! Short prayer for the swift Rebirth of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. ******************************************************************************************** Study and reflection will cut through your more gross misconceptions. But the subtler ones can only be dispelled by meditation, and by integration of the absolute wisdom that arises from it into your very being. To engender it, go to a secluded place and stay as much as possible in meditation, practicing shamatha and vipashyana—sustained calm and profound insight—to realize emptiness, the ultimate nature of all phenomena. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters by Matthieu Ricard In this anthology, Matthieu Ricard has selected and translated some of the most profound pith instructions from across the eight traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Inspired by his late teacher, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Ricard has over the years collected his own most favorite excerpts to illustrate and motivate us on the path to enlightenment. The selected teachings are from the original sources of the traditions, including the Buddha, Nagarjuna, Guru Rinpoche, Atisha, Shantideva, and Asanga; from great masters of the past, including Thogme Zangpo, the Fifth Dalai Lama, Milarepa, Longchenpa, and Sakya Pandita; and from contemporary masters, including the Fourteenth Dalai Lama and Mingyur Rinpoche. They address such topics as the nature of the mind; the foundations of refuge and the generation of compassion; view, meditation, and action; and how to work with obstacles and progress on the path. All the translator’s proceeds for the book go toward the activities of Karuna-Shechen and Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship. Shambhala Publications ********************************************************************************************* In the celestial realm encircled by snow peaks, You are the source of every happiness and benefit Tenzin Gyatso, Avalokiteshvara himself, May your lotus feet remain firm for a hundred eons! Protector of the teaching and beings of Tibet, you who greatly elucidate The path combining emptiness and compassion, Ocean of Teachings Tenzin Gyatso, Padmapani holding a lotus in your hand, To you I pray, may all your wishes spontaneously be fulfilled. Written by His Holiness himself according to the wishes of Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* A bedridden patient only thinks about getting well again. He or she has no wish to remain sick forever. Likewise, a practitioner who yearns to leave the miseries of samsara behind will make use of all the ways in which that can be done, such as taking refuge, generating the mind set on attaining enlightenment for the sake of others, undertaking positive actions and so on, with a firm determination to get out of samsara constantly in mind. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* The six syllables of Avalokiteshvara’s mantra—Om Mani Padme Hung—are a manifestation of Avalokiteshvara himself. Whenever anyone, even an ignorant wild animal, sees these six syllables or hears the sound of the mantra, the seed of liberation is sown in his or her being and he or she is protected from rebirth in the lower realms of existence. ********************************************************************************************* If you truly put the teachings into practice, as the Dharma takes birth and grows in your mindstream, all your faults will naturally diminish and all your positive qualities will spontaneously blossom, just as the sun, as it rises higher in the morning, gradually spreads increasing light throughout the world. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* At all times, again and again, we should make vast prayers for the sake of all beings. When falling asleep we should think, May all beings achieve the absolute state; when waking up, May all beings awake into the enlightened state; when getting up, May all beings obtain the body of the Buddha; when putting on clothes, May all beings have modesty and sense of shame; when lighting a fire, May all beings burn the wood of disturbing emotions; when eating, May all beings eat the food of concentration; when opening a door, May all beings ope the door to the city of liberation; when closing a door May all beings close the door to lower realms; when going outside, May I set out on the path to free all beings; when walking uphill, May I take all beings to the higher realms; when walking downhill, May I go to free beings from lower realms; when seeing happiness, May all beings achieve the happiness of Buddhahood; when seeing suffering, May the suffering of all beings be pacified. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ******************************************************************************************* To have access to the teachings and not use them but just continue to commit negative acts is like being an idiot or a madman, and it is worse than not having access to the teachings at all. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Sentient beings, self and others, enemies and dear ones—all are made by thoughts. It is like seeing a rope and mistaking it for a snake. When we think that the rope is a snake, we are scared, but once we see that we are looking at a rope, our fear dissipates. We have been deluded by our thoughts. Likewise, mentally fabricating self and others, we generate attachment and aversion. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* If you are the target of some harsh criticism or insulting talk, for example, the harder you try to avoid being exposed to it, the more of it you seem to hear. The best thing would be to be like the great sages of the past, who felt neither upset when criticised, nor pleased when praised, because they were able to perceive all sounds as empty echoes, and to hear all criticism and praise about themselves just as though people were speaking about a person who had died long ago ~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Clarity and emptiness are inseparably united in the true nature of mind, which is beyond all concepts of existence and non-existence. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ******************************************************************************************** We should live in such a way that we always have a clear conscience ~ Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Recognizing the empty, nonexistent, insubstantial nature of the ego is meditation on absolute bodhichitta. -Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* The attainment of the level of omniscience and liberation depends on realizing the coemergent wisdom of your mind. The birth of this realization depends exclusively on the lama’s blessings, and receiving these blessings depends on the link of devotion alone. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* Of all the skillful means, fervent devotion is essential and can be likened to a “universal panacea,” for it cures all ailments. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Our root lama is himself the wisdom embodiment of the knowledge, loving-kindness, and power of all the buddhas in the ten directions and the three times. ~ Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* All sentient beings possess buddha nature, but it is necessary for us to make the buddha nature conspicuously visible and actualize it through practice. ~ Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Keep your perception pure, considering all that appears to be infinite purity. Then everything will inspire you to practice the Dharma, and everything will be an illustration of the teachings. ~ Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* When an enlightened master who has wisdom and compassion meets a disciple who has faith and diligence, it is as if the suns rays where suddenly concentrated through a magnifying glass and focused onto dry grass, causing it to burst into flames, at once. In the same way, the blessings we receive will correspond directly to the intensity of our devotion. ~ Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. ********************************************************************************************* We should not forget that the very root of taking refuge is devotion and confident faith. We should entrust our mind entirely to the refuge: throw your mind into the lama’s wisdom mind, like tossing a stone into a lake! - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - ********************************************************************************************* You, the practitioner, should first of all be like a bee going from flower to flower collecting nectar. At the stage when you are listening to and studying the teachings, learn all of them carefully, in both words and meaning. Then, you should be like a wild animal. Not satisfied with a mere theoretical understanding, go to live in mountain solitudes where you can be free from all the busy involvement of ordinary life. Be self-sufficient and firm in one-pointed practice, as you discover directly for yourself the profound meaning of the teachings. Finally, as you put the teachings into practice and integrate them with your being, you should be like a peg driven into hard ground. Unshaken by thoughts during meditation, remain unwavering. Cut away all limiting concepts of existence and non-existence from within, and directly encounter the face of the ultimate nature of everything. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* The Sanskrit word Dharma means ‘to hold,’ implying that once you have made a connection with the Dharma, it will unfailingly take you from the depths of samsara to enlightenment—just as a fish once caught on the hook is sure not to be staying in the water for long. This is not an ordinary connection, but a very profound one. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoch ********************************************************************************************* In the struggle against the emotions, if you lose your vigilance even for a moment you have to revive it at once—in the same way that a swordsman in battle who lets slip his sword must pick it up again immediately. The very instant an emotion arises, the thought of using the antidote should occur to you. What else is the Dharma for, if it is not to stop you giving full vent to your negative emotions? Kyabje DIlgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Receive teachings and guidance from your teacher without ever creating inconvenience for him, and act towards your spiritual friends in a way that does not trouble them at all—like a swan on a lotus lake, gliding serenely over the water without disturbing it, and navigating between the lotus flowers without any disruption of their delicate arrangement. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Malicious criticism of other traditions of Dharma, in particular, is a major cause of the Dharma as a whole declining and being corrupted. View all traditions and views as non- contradictory, and as true expressions of the Buddha’s teachings Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* More generally, refrain from everything harmful or meaningless done merely to obtain wealth, fame, status or gratification, for there is nothing to be gained from such actions but suffering. Cultivate actions that are in accordance with the Dharma, for they will take you closer to liberation and further from delusion. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* To bring about a true change in your attitudes is hard at first. But if you understand the meaning behind this mind training, and keep on trying to apply it, you will find that it helps you in every difficult situation, just as a well-designed vehicle can travel any distance quickly with ease. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Just as a mirror enables you to check if your face is dirty, and to see where the dirt is, so, too, being constantly present in every situation and looking within at your own mind allows you to see whether or not your thoughts, words, and deeds are in accordance with the Dharma. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - ********************************************************************************************* Look at the actual nature of harm itself: it is ungraspable. Like a drawing made on the water´s surface. When you truly experience that, resentment vanishes of its own accord. As soon as the fiery waves of thoughts subside, everything becomes like empty sky, which has nothing to gain and nothing to lose. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ******************************************************************************************** Never get angry, even with someone who has deliberately and maliciously harmed you. You should be grateful to such a person for helping you to purify past negative actions, to increase your determination to be free from samsara and to develop love and compassion. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* To bring about a true change in your attitudes is hard at first. But if you understand the meaning behind this mind training, and keep on trying to apply it, you will find that it helps you in every difficult situation, just as a well-designed vehicle can travel any distance quickly with ease. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Some people spend all their energy, and even risk their lives to achieve fame. Fame and notoriety are both no more than an empty echo. Your reputation is an alluring mirage that can easily lead you astray. Discard it without a second thought, like the snort you blow from your nose. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ******************************************************************************************** To remain humble while patiently bearing insults is a very effective way of countering your ingrained tendency to be interested only in your own happiness and pleasure. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Where hatred, pride, jealously, desire and stupidity decrease, not only conflicts but also epidemics and natural calamities in the world will decrease as well, like smoke disappearing when a fire is extinguished. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Until you are ready to give your life and body for the sake of others in reality, which is not the case at present, you can at least do it mentally. As your mind grows used to altruistic love and compassion, your words and actions will naturally reflect that attitude. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* We should develop confidence that the nature of samsara is impermanent, and start practicing - right now. We might plan to live for fifty years and spend twenty-five years working and twenty-five years practicing dharma, but it is not even sure whether we will live for twenty-five years. Death is always waiting for you. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* The practitioner who has the greatest yearning devotion receives the greatest blessing. Even though rain falls evenly over the land, it is only where perfect seeds are properly cultivated and ready to sprout that a plant grows. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Suffering, in fact, can be helpful in many ways. It spurs your motivation and as many teachings point out, without suffering there would be no determination to be free from samsara. Sadness is an effective antidote to arrogance. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Trample on anger with realization and it dissolves like a cloud in the sky; and as it dissolves, the notion of enemy will vanish with it. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* We should develop confidence that the nature of samsara is impermanent, and start practicing - right now. We might plan to live for fifty years and spend twenty-five years working and twenty-five years practicing dharma, but it is not even sure whether we will live for twenty-five years. Death is always waiting for you. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Letting the mind to become peaceful and staying in meditation state of stillness free from many thoughts is called shamata or sustained calm. Recognizing the empty nature of the mind within that state of calm is called vipashyana or profound insight. Uniting shamata and vipashyana is the essence of meditation practice. It is said: Look at the mind, There is nothing to see. Seeing nothing, we see the Dharma, The source of all buddhas. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Once you have recognized the empty nature of mind, to allow love to rise for someone who is harming you becomes easy. But without that recognition, it is very hard to stop anger from arising instead, is it not? Look into it and you will see that mind is what does positive actions and mind is what makes circumstances negative. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentese Rinpoche - ********************************************************************************************* In truth, if you cannot tame your own mind, what else is there to tame? What is the use of doing many other practices? The aim of the whole Buddhist path, both Basic and the Great Vehicles, is to tame and understand your mind. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* The more you attempt to reject external phenomena, the more they will spring back to you. Hence, therefore, the importance of recognizing the empty nature of your thoughts and simply allowing them to dissolve. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Once you overcome the hatred within your mind, you will discover that in the world outside, there is no longer any such thing as even a single enemy. Una vez que hayas superado el odio dentro de tu mente, descubrirás que en el mundo exterior no hay más nada que puedas llamar enemigo. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* Every day, remind yourself that if you do not study and reflect upon the teachings, meditate, and recite prayers and mantras, at the moment of death you will be helpless. Death is certain. If you wait for the moment of death to begin your practice, it will be too late. -Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* You have not obtained this precious human life just by chance. It is the result of having heard the Buddhas name in a past life, having taking refuge in him, accumulated virtuous actions and developed some wisdom. There is no certainty that you will obtain this vessel again. If you fail to practice the Dharma in this life, it is certain that you will not obtain a human life. To neglect such an opportunity would therefore be very foolish. Do not waste it. Practice every day. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - ********************************************************************************************* When you feel you are being harmed by someone, remember that the harm that person may be inflicting on you (or someone dear to you) is the direct result of yourself having harmed others in the past. Reflect that this person is so overpowered by delusion that he or she is as if possessed, and cannot resist harming you. As a result of this harm, he or she will have to suffer in samsaras lower realms ia a future life. When you think how terrible that will be, you will feel only sadness and pity rather than anger. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - ********************************************************************************************* In essence, discipline is to have a peaceful, self-controlled and altruistic mind. - Kyabje DIlgo Khyentse Rinpoche - ********************************************************************************************* Through generosity, you will perfect your accumulation of merit, which leads in the end to the attainment of the major and minor marks of a buddha. Make sure that your generosity is always permeated with the enlightened attitude of bodhicitta, which is what makes it truly meaningful by turning it into an unerring cause for buddhahood. ********************************************************************************************* Recognizing the kindness of the lama, we remember his face, his expression, and his speech with devotion, again and again. An immediate sense of gratitude is present, and we know that through the lamas presence and his blessings, hearing his voice and receiving his teachings, we will swiftly progress on the path of liberation. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ********************************************************************************************* The stronger our devotion, the greater the blessings. But to have no devotion is like hiding oneself in a house with all the doors and shutters closed. The sunlight will never get in. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - ********************************************************************************************* Experienced riders do not fall off their horses. In the same way, when unexpected harm or sudden difficulties befall us, if love and compassion rather than annoyance, come welling up in us of their own accord -in other words, if uncomfortable situations can be used to advantage in our lives, that is a sign that we have accomplished something in the Mind Training. So it is vitally important for us to continue in our efforts. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche -
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 09:24:23 +0000

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