If we were truly partners in this union,there would be no question - TopicsExpress


If we were truly partners in this union,there would be no question about us keeping a currency that we have SHARED and supported for over 300 years,if we were truly partners there would be mutual help and support,regardless of the vote,if we were truly partners,our political will would be represented at government level,not over-ridden and ignored.We have had 4 conservative governments that we did not vote for,a tax that breached the terms of the union(POLL), a new tax on the poor(BEDROOM) and mutterings of another 5% tax cut for the great and the good(SARCASM),Scotland has never been a partner,nor the Welsh, nor a lot of others in these Isles.We have been dragged into wars for profit,lied to repeatedly by our public servants,our maritime borders gerrymandered,all the pillars of our society,have been shown to be corrupt,banks,politicians,the list is ever growing,a labour party that has been subverted to such an extent that its merely another shade of blue.I went hungry under Mrs Thatchers table. Westminster is a bordello,policies sold to the highest bidder.Gentlemans agreement on the post office, that vanished quicker than David Blaine.300 years have past and we are no closer to a true democracy,no closer to a partnership,we have been patient. If we vote yes and falter,that is our concern,our made bed. We are an inventive and industrious nation given half a chance. I have no doubt,the people of Scotland will rise to the challenge of self-determination,it wont be easy,but it will be a damn sight better than bending the knee to governments elected by everyone else bar us.The Scottish people have earned the right to self-determination,not to be held to a a scrap of paper signed by a few,skint,lords.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 09:56:25 +0000

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