If you are a hunter or an angler NEVER support Wildlife Images - TopicsExpress


If you are a hunter or an angler NEVER support Wildlife Images again! NOT ever! If you have not heard, an employee for the city of Ashland found a sick bald eagle at Reeder Reservoir above town. The eagle could not fly and had difficulty holding its head up. He was directed to call Wildlife Images to see what they could do. They took the eagle in and named it Kringle. They gave the eagle all the care they could, but it died today. In the last view days Wildlife Images has milked the situation for everything it was worth. TV news stories. Stories in the local newspapers....and all of them blaming the eagles plight on lead poisoning. They did not know for sure that it was lead poisoning that was causing the problem with the eagle. They also did say that the eagle appeared to be suffering from blunt force trauma, or that it might have been sick for another reason like West Nile Virus. But, what Dave Siddon and Alison Taplin, the marketing director for Wildlife Images are saying first is that lead from humans is to blame. They do not know that for fact mind you. When asked where they thought the lead came from, they both blamed hunting and angling. Again.....NO proof that had anything to do with anything here. There are MANY reasons that eagle could have been in the shape it was in and NONE of them have to do with humans or human activity. Life in the wild is NOT a Disney movie. Wild creatures die for a wide range of reasons. They do just get sick and die. They do get diseases. They suffer injuries and die. Yes, they can suffer a death from something human related, but natural causes or predation is still far more likely to cause a death than anything that can be tied to humans and our activities like hunting or fishing. So why say it? I believe it is all tied into a larger effort. If you are unaware, a plan has been floated to re introduce California Condors to Southern Oregon. Condors were native here. Condors are essentially giant vultures as their chief means of supporting themselves is to scavenge carcasses. One part of the re introduction plan calls for banning lead for all hunting including big game. The proponents of the Condor re introduction claim that hunters leave thousands of deer and elk injured to die later with bullets in them that would pose a threat to the Condors. They say the condors would feed on these animals and ingest the lead from the bullets and that this would kill them. Wildlife Images is now making this claim utilizing eagles. No matter which bird you use it for....it is a false claim to make and it is dependent on uninformed people to have it stand up. Hunters do not leave thousands of injured animals in the woods to die each year. Not even close. And, if that theory was true at all, the local area would be littered with dead ravens, crows, vultures, and other scavengers. Regarding the angling angle that Wildlife Images played...again, VERY false. There is no way it can possibly be true. If it was there would not be an eagle left to fly in our skies. The sheer number of anglers using lead would have caused a great loss in eagles if it was true that angling lead was a threat. That link has never been established before at all. For Dave Siddon and Alison Taplin to imply that lead had anything to do with the death of the eagle is absolutely unforgivable. it also shows they have been completely corrupted by the environmental extremist movement. They are now full fledged participants in Agenda 21. Their ultimate goal is not what they claim. They have become willing foot soldiers for those who seek to remove our freedoms and liberties. That is very sad to see. I do not know about you, but I have helped support Wildlife Images in every way that I could. I have made people aware when the call for help financially has gone out from them. When their facility was almost completely destroyed by a wind storm two years ago I spread the word about what happened and urged people to help them. In addition, for the last 2 years I have supported and helped spread the word about their events at Grange Coop Pet Country where you could help buy dog food to feed the bears they have out there. I am sure others of you who are hunters and anglers did so too. And for what now? To be knifed in the back by Dave Siddon and Alison Taplin? I do not think there should be any more help for them from hunters and anglers until we get the apology we are owed. A very big, very public apology from them. After all....the attack against us was very big and very public. A complete and total betrayal of the worst order. And a completely false one to boot.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:41:56 +0000

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