If you are born-again in Jesus, you have the anointing you need. - TopicsExpress


If you are born-again in Jesus, you have the anointing you need. You have Jesus and you have His anointing. There is no other greater or more complete anointing. With the baptism of Holy Spirit, you have all the power of God there is. You have Holy Spirit dwelling in you. What you may need to is how to walk in that anointing and how to release Holy Spirit like Jesus did to walk as Jesus. What you need is renewing of the mind into the Gospel of Christ in you the hope of glory. You are heaven’s hope of the glory of God to fill the earth through you. You have been given Holy Spirit to use for God just like Jesus did. You are not a servant of God, but you have been made a son of God. Servants need constant direction. Sons act in the best interests of the Father no matter where they are. Doing this manifests your sonship in God. You may be waiting on God, but He is waiting on you. If you are a born-again Christian, this is who you are. This is what every Christian is made to be. The only issue is how well YOU renew your mind. And that is what our ministry majors on. Just recognize that what your life is like right now is what you truly believe. You may ascribe as true a lot of other things, but your life right now is a reflection of what you actually believe right now. If you want to change your life, you need to change what you believe. What this ministry does is help you grow your believing to that of Jesus so you can walk as Jesus. This is what you are made for. This is what Jesus accomplished in our Redemption. If this is what you want then here is a Scripture for you: Matt 11:12 “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” This means you are to make it the driving passion of your life to manifest the Kingdom of God as Jesus did. For example you need to act your way into violenlty speaking in Holy Spirit tongues loud, hard and fast at least 2 yours every day and tithing 2.4 hours of your a day, every day, in faith actions. So that is 4.4 hours a day in God so you can live the other 19.6 hours in the devil. But that will be enough to change your believing to more like Jesus. If any standard you have is less than Jesus manifisting Himself through you 24x7, you are falliing short of your calling and that means you are in deception. So be like Timothy and stir yourself up into the realities of the new-birth in Jesus until you are violent against any lie or deception you currently walk in. This is what Holy Spirit, the grace of God, is working in you both will and to do of God’s good pleasure.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 06:10:01 +0000

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