If you are in search of the true Wisdom about Luciferianism------> - TopicsExpress


If you are in search of the true Wisdom about Luciferianism------> (Copy pasted from a group for all like minded people... Original Author: Luchi Kawok Luciferis) In this piece, Ill define Luciferianism, from my present perspective, by answering some basic questions. Of course, perspectives change all the time with newly acquired knowledge. So this is not to be taken as solid evidence or info about Luciferianism. It will probably be edited over time. Also, please warn me of any errors in my texts. English is not my primary language and help is always appreciated. Its always very hard for me to sit down and write a piece of my mind since its in a state of continuous and ever changing learning but Ill try my best to guide you through my vision of what is Luciferianism. Lets begin with who are Luciferians? Sparing you from all the details you probably already know, Lucifer means Light Bringer. Light is a methaporical way to talk about knowledge. So if you are a bringer of knowledge in your daily life, you actually are a Light Bringer. You are A Lucifer in some way, a Luciferian.Lucifer is used as a symbol or a meme of enlightenment through knowledge of yourself and the universe.Some people may be theist and believe in an actual being called Lucifer. To me, as long as they dont try to force it onto people, its totally fine with me. The actual application of the philosophy wont be changed that much even if I think they are missing a piece of the puzzle by believing in a litteral god. But thats my opinion. What is Luciferianism? To me Luciferianism starts with finding the Light inside you first. This can be achieved by an endless amount of paths. Other religions or organisations brought this philosophy to the table. Organisations such as Thelema or the Ordo Templi Orientis but Ill leave this part out for the moment.I feel like Luciferianism is the results of such practices. (Not 100% of the time of course. Luciferianism can come from many different kind of practices.) My background is actually Satanism. It was my path to self-discovery. This is how I realised my true potential and how I could achieve it. Once again, Satanism and Luciferianism are not the same and are not actually related.Satanism brought me into a journey to know myself without any external influence. My true core. But at some point it stopped resonating with me. I felt the need to drop my ego. Now that I truly knew my ego, I had to let go of it in order to learn about everything else. But this would not have been possible, for me, if I had not first been very egoist and self-centered. I see Satanism as my student years and now I graduated to Luciferianism. Im now allowed to teach.Of course a teacher always remains a student too. We all learn everyday but now I learn much more by teaching. How can you be an active Luciferian? Well first, anyone can decide to be a Luciferian if they decide to. You dont have to join anything, study anything in particular or follow certain rules. The only rule is to bring the light on your path and illuminate people you cross roads with.I consider a lot of people Luciferians and most of then dont even actually know it. Maybe they dont know yet.Truth is, if you share information and are open to new ideas, if you dont suffer from cognitive dissonance and if you are willing to reshape your ideas constantly as you grow, you are a Luciferian.There is not much more to it than acting on your own for a better planet. Getting your hands dirty at changing things around you. What is the relation to other religions/organisations such as Satanism, Thelema, Gnosticism, Order of the Nine Angles, Free Masonry, Illuminatis, etc? I think the confusion comes from the fact that different Luciferians have different influences and some people may associate what they say about Luciferianism to their influences. Satanism is a very physical and tangible philosphy. Its very centered on what can be explained scientifically and logic. Theories are mostly all false until they can be proven. Luciferianism differs in MANY ways from Satanism and the differences between both could be a topic all by itself. Its like comparing apples and oranges. Same for ONA. The ONA has a very effective way to find your true self through many experiences and situations. Thelema, which I just recently started to study, could also be linked to Luciferianism because of some similarities in the philosophy. The famous Do what thou wilt. Crowleys ideas about true will, ancient knowledge, geometry and love. To me Crowley was a Luciferian but Luciferianism is not Thelema and Thelema is not Luciferianism. Gnosticism can also be associated to Luciferianism but the way I see it, Gnosticism is a religious movement with dogmas and strict practices to follow. They believe in actual deities. Once again sparing the complete list of details, Id say Luciferianism resonates with Gnosis but not necessarly Gnosticism. I dont know very much about Free Masonry since I always doubted the information I received but from what I learned up to this day, they were an organisation seeking wisdom and knowledge too but prefered to keep it for the elite. Only a few of them actually wanted to spread this knowledge. My definition of Gnosis is: The knowledge of the divine mysteries reserved to an elite. I feel it applies very much to Free Masonry philosophy. Walt Disney is a very good example of what I would call a Luciferian Free Mason since he actually wanted to share that knowledge. About the Illuminatis....... Such a twisted and misunderstood concept nowadays from all the counter propaganda we receive.The Illuminatis are not what most people say they are. They are not an elite governement controlling the world. Thats only what those TRYING to own the world wants you to believe.WE are the Illuminatis. People who bring illumination upon this world are. We must stop thinking that the governements are really that organised. Of course some of them want to control the whole world, but theyre in competition with each other. They try to hide that by making us think there is some kind of new world order bullshit but thats actually just a big masquerade to make us feel overwhelmed.They associated very important and insightful symbols to their negative stuff so that we did not look further into it. The pyramid is a very good example of that. Illuminatis are not an actual organisation. I feel its just another word to describe the Light Bringers. Said in a short way, I think Luciferianism is one the the many results possible from following these different paths. Are Lucifer, Set, Prometheus, Loki, and ENKI all the same Archetype? I personally believe they are the same basic archetype. Of course, each of their lore has something different to bring. A different perspective of the same point of view if you like. Lucifer wanted to bring the knowledge of the gods to the human race so he got cast out. Prometheus wanted to bring fire, which gave us many different ways to expand our knowledge and he was punished too. Loki is quite debatable. He can be perceived as truly evil and negative in some stories and also as a savior in others. His lore is quite complex and changed because of christian influence. But I still see him as the necessary opposition to the one ruling everything. Enki is also seen as a god that values the human race. His brother Enlil wanted slaves and was very annoyed from all our complaints because of the work they give us and Enki apparently gave us knowledge so we could find our own answers and evolve. In some way we could even consider Jesus to be that archetype too. Remove the christian propaganda and brainwashing. Jesus message was that we are all just like him and that were all able of the same exact things. He never said he was a god or a prophet, only a man that found his inner light (which he called God).Unfortunately, the Church took over and changed all the messages to enslave people into a worshipping sect. Ill make a short conclusion for now. There are many things I havent talked about yet but I want to keep some content for further discussions. I will update the file when I feel important topics are being discussed and that the information is relevant. Thanks for reading! 4/22/14 Alecks Luciferis
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:40:50 +0000

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