If you build it, he will come. Just had a morning briefing from - TopicsExpress


If you build it, he will come. Just had a morning briefing from the spy friends. Will address several issues in this post. My readership has gone from the hundred thousand it might have been before to an undisclosed number of millions. Millions of readers does not mean millions of followers, it means millions are curious and are debating with themselves and each other. One line of debate proclaims me a communist and the anti-Christ somehow marked with a 666. Oh my people. It says in Revelation, that 666 is the number of the Beast (the anti-Christ) but is also a number of man and is a calculation. It also indicates only one of higher wisdom can figure out what this means. I do not have have higher wisdom for any other reason than God chooses whom He wills and someone has to do it. The answer is both in mathematics (it is a calculation!) and in the Jewish scriptures, in Zechariah 13 which says that one-third of humanity will be refined (through toil and trouble) to be Gods people. That is, one-third of us will become the true Zion and will enter heaven. That leaves the other two-thirds - or .666 of the whole - to the Beast. Now that I have your attention, please refer to what Christ says about Elijah and John the Baptist in the Gospels (read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John): 1. John the Baptist was Elijah. This means, Elijah like other souls is reincarnated. 2. Elijah will come and restore all things. This means, Elijah will come again in his John the Baptist role to restore the true religion that has become severely corrupted. 3. Elijah must come first. This means, Elijah comes before the Christ to prepare you for the Christ because right now, you are not ready and you would reject him. But upon his next return to earth, he is not coming to correct people. He is coming to the corrected people - to those who are with Elijah. As for communism, I dont really know what the term means and neither do you. But here is what I do know. The uber wealthy do not have all the money they have because they worked an endless amount of hours to obtain it. They are todays Tom Sawyer (a phrase from a song by the Canadian rock band Rush; Tom Sawyer is a fictional character of Mark Twain who conned other adolescents not only into doing his work for him (assigned to him as a punishment for misbehavior) but got them to pay him for the privilege of doing so) who have indeed under paid you in the work place and over charged you in the market place to gain their unfathomable wealth and you have let them. You never argue with them about the price. You never tell them, I wont pay that much. You keep subscribing to cable television no matter what they charge despite that the vast majority of the programming is garbage for your mind! Oh my people, what is wrong with you? The Anti-Christ (the Beast), the False Prophet (the Second Beast who serves the first Beast who serves the Dragon that is the Devil - it is in Revelation, or the Apocalypse if using the Catholic Bible), and their master have you brainwashed. 2 Thessalonians 2 tells you the Anti-Christ has been working in secret for 2,000 years. Why do you think those football players are flashing devil horn signs? Why do you think a devil horn sign is used for second down instead of a peace sign? It is not just the NFL, it is your entire reality they are controlling and you have not noticed but you have. You cannot not notice what is constantly right in front of you. What you have lacked before is a way to comprehend everything you are seeing and a way to articulate what you are comprehending. But now after your sudden, unexpected, and shocking liberation (oh, the enemy never saw it coming but it was right in front of them the whole time - I never hid my love for football from them, they messed with games just to have my fantasy teams wipe out, thats their pettiness and now it has all come back on them), you are adjusting to the real reality. It was Frederick Engels, not Karl Marx, who coined the term false consciousness. It does not mean anything more than having the wool pulled over your eyes and it is demonstrated superbly by Twains Sawyer character getting other people to pay him to be allowed to do his work for him. If communism means everything being run by an oppressive state, why did Marx say that the state would eventually wither away? Aside of his views on the family that I do not agree with (the family is not inherently exploitative because of a division of labor if one spouse gains income and the other maintains the home so long as the income coming into the home is equally controlled by the spouses - I do not know why Marx could not see that as a possibility), I dont know anything more about Marx because I did not study him while I was at the University of Washington. I took a class on Afro-American political thought and Marxs views were not represented. However, lets get to that state withering away idea. Personally, I like it. But the state cannot wither away until we have a group of human beings who can responsibly manage themselves. When we can do this, well be ready for the state to wither away and for the Christ to return, but right now, we are not ready for either. But while we still have the state, we dont have to have a fascist one that lies to us and enslaves our sons and daughters in the military to kill people for the wealth of tyrants. Why cant we just pay the Iraqis and others a fair price for their resources? Why are they not allowed to have the economic prosperity that we are? Christ said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is what I would like to see my nation doing and I know you would too. But we cannot believe this is what it is doing when it is doing terrorism and making up lies about any group of human beings standing in the way of profits. Christ was not a prophet of profit. He was a prophet of humanity. The spies told me some of the criminal charges on famous people right now are completely bogus but the people got caught in some kind of indiscretions they are being blackmailed over instead of taking personal responsibility for their actions. This has to stop. Are the scandals they are making up any worse than the truth? And the scandals they are making up, they are completely controlling and using them to negatively stereotype and to distract from another story that is not yet over. Oh, and there is some guy in Australia or somewhere, stealing my work (ideas and philosophies, whatever) and taking credit it for it and gaining followers and income. I am not concerned. He cannot hide from Allah and he will be hard-pressed to hide from Interpol too. Yeah, its worldwide, the conspiracy for good. Praise Allah. The last thing I want to say is (though expect some additional info posted in comments) is, if you were previously distracted by schemes of the organized global criminal elite to keep your focus away from their crimes but are now waking up to reality. Welcome. And if The 9/11 Hoax jarred you, here is an aftershock: KingOfSham
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:25:49 +0000

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