If you could fly to heaven for one hour, sit with Jesus, watch the - TopicsExpress


If you could fly to heaven for one hour, sit with Jesus, watch the world go by, fly back, and resume your life… would that change you? Would heaven’s perspective give you a new approach to life? If I could live with God’s perspective, I’d never be afraid again. Not of recession, depression, disease, or war. Seeing life from heaven’s perspective makes all the difference. God gave us the Bible to assemble his perspective into the structure of our souls, one brick at a time. The job of supplying bricks (Scripture) and mortar (faith) isn’t as easy as it sounds. Your muscles will vibrate and your joints will creak. You’ll want to quit. God doesn’t sprinkle diamonds and gold nuggets on the surface of Scripture; we have to dig a mine, blast through rock, break a sweat, and breathe the dust. But keep at it, because over time, the Holy Spirit forges something beautiful: a remodeled YOU. He changes you. He fortifies you. He relaxes you. He recession-proofs you through the supernatural, written Word of God as you lift it off the printed page and integrate it into your pulsating heart. All that happens courtesy his power, his effort, his work, and his grace. That’s why, when Christ’s Palace rises up over the realm of your inner world, it radiates his glory. ~from a work-in-progress on my laptop. ;)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:44:57 +0000

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