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If you do not wish to receive political news & opinions via this emailed newsletter, simply click this link to instantly Unsubscribe yourself: Unsubscribe Would the Pridemore Campaign Like Some Pepa with that Salt? In order to get you in the perfect frame of mind for this story, you are hereby urged to link-out to this song by Salt & Pepa, Push It and have it play in the background as you read this Special Alert (Oh, go on, AJC reporters, the bosses wont mind if all of you hit this tune in the office, all at the same time). ==================================================== Rumors have it that the Tricia Pridemore Campaign has entered the baited (salting) federal campaign contributor trap that the Barr for Congress Campaign set back in July 2013...and the trap has slammed shut behind her. What is salting when it refers to a candidates campaign disclosure? It is the deliberate act by a federal campaign to add up to 10 fictitious names of contributors whose name and addresses are not real. The purpose of this salting (which is legal under defined FEC Rules) is to protect and monitor a campaigns contributors to ensure that no other campaign (or, really, anyone) poaches/borrows/uses/copies the list of contributor names, their addresses and contributions and uses it for their own campaigns purposes. Based on this attached letter sent by the Barr Campaign to the FEC on November 5, 2013 (along with supporting copies of direct mail sent by the Pridemore campaign to a Mr. Steve Wilson), the Pridemore campaign has been caught red-handed in violation of federal law on the misuse of a competitors contribution data. One wonders if Mr. Steve Wilson will be attending the fundraising event tonight for the Pridemore Campaign to which he was specifically invited to via the Pridemore campaign? Will he be like Bernie in Weekend At Bernies whereby attendees to the Pridemore shindig will be posing with Steve and Steve will be shown raising a glass in a toast to Tricia Pridemore, and these pictures will be used as proof that there really was a Steve Wilson whose name and address just happened to fall into the lap of the fundraising program for the Pridemore Campaign? ================================================== In other slightly related news to the 11th Congressional District, the top staffers of the Campaign for Candidate for U.S. Senate Phil Gingrey (the current officeholder of the 11th CD) resigned yesterday as per this story in the Daily Caller. Wonder what MIGHT happen if Phil Gingrey faces the music and decides winning the U.S. Senate is a very low probability...and, instead, chooses to qualify for reelection to the 11th CD? Hmmmm...can you say Apple-Cart-Upset?
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 19:14:44 +0000

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