If you do nothing in the morning prior to starting your day, - TopicsExpress


If you do nothing in the morning prior to starting your day, adding at least cat-cow stretches may bring your day to a completely different level:-) Cat-cow stretch is the combination of two asanas (postures): the #Marjaryasana (Cat pose) and the #Bitilasana (Cow pose). These two asanas are paired together for a gentle flow vinyasa. For those of you, who may not be familiar with the term vinyasa, it is the breath synchronized movement. If you practice Vinyasa, you would move from one pose to the next, with inhale, or exhale. So how do you get into this awesome stretch and warming-your-body pose? 1. Begin on your hands and knees in Table pose. Your shoulders, elbows, and wrists should be in line (perpendicular) to the floor. Your hips should be set over your knees. Keep your back straight - your spine will be in neutral position. Let your neck be long, gaze is towards the floor. Your shoulder blades are drawn down your back. 2. Once you establish the table pose, inhale, curl your toes under, lift your sit bones upward, pressing chest forward, allowing your belly to sink towards the floor. Lift your head, relax your shoulders, gaze is straight ahead of you. 3. Exhale, come into Cat pose. On the balls of your feet, puff your spine upward, tuck your tailbone, draw your pubic bone forward. Head is released toward the floor, softly! (Dont press your chin to your chest). Be careful if you had a neck injury; you may want to keep your head in line with your torso if that is the case. 4. Go back and forth between the Cow and the Cat pose, matching your movements to your breathing. Do this for 5 to 10 breaths and after your final exhale, end the sequence back in Table pose. Enjoy! #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #fitmom #yoga365 #namaste #beingfit #beachyogagirl
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:52:59 +0000

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