If you dont usually get why it is important to vote then reading - TopicsExpress


If you dont usually get why it is important to vote then reading what is below may help you to reconsider: Dark Money This is expected to be the most expensive mid-term election for Senate seats in history. As of October 21, two weeks before the November 4 election, $437,313,225 had already been raised for the Senate races, according to Open Secrets.org. Since the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling in Citizens United, much of that is “dark money,” money contributed to campaigns by social welfare [501(c)(4)] and trade association [501(c)(6)] non-profits, which are not required to disclose who contributed the money to them. Charles and David have ties to dozens of such non-profits, including Americans for Prosperity, Freedom Partners, Center to Protect Patient Rights, 60 Plus and Americans for Job Security, reports Open Secrets.org. So where did all this money now being used to manipulate the outcome of U.S. elections come from? In the whistleblower trial Koch Industries admitted it had taken 170 million worth of oil from American Indian and other federal lands without paying for it, AP reported. The eventual “price” of that oil was the $25 million fine. You do the math.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 15:46:59 +0000

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