If you found someone that was all alone, and knew if you didnt do - TopicsExpress


If you found someone that was all alone, and knew if you didnt do something yourself, right then and there, they might stay alone their entire life, what would you do? Would you ignore them, to avoid the trouble and the fuss? Would you lower your head and tell yourself that its someone elses problem? Would you bring them into your life, knowing the burden and pain that would come with them? Few go through life without feeling alone from time to time. Through times, both good and bad, we all stumble and fall. Were told that its part of life to pick yourself back up every time. And yet, stumbling to your feet, without ever a hand every to reach out for is such a painful thing. It is the most hurt among us that know that pain is not just for the weak, but also for the strong. Those who pine at their weakness become used to begging for help, and feel shame for doing so. Yet the strong in their pride, when they are in pain, feel a shame thats all the same. Those that sit and watch the people bustle by wonder to themselves, Why doesnt someone ever stop to talk to me? Those that stumble, fall, and cry scream to themselves, Why doesnt someone stop to help? If someone fell to the ground in front of you, would you stop to help? If their blood were splattered at your feet, would you simply step past and continue on? And yet how many live like that, watching themselves stumble and fall, over and over, until their lies broken at their feet. No wounds can be seen by a passerbys eyes, and yet how they sting, how they bleed, how the fester and burn. But we are busy, and have problems of our own. We worry and fret, lowering our heads and plodding along to keep from adding more problems to our plate. How many, whose bodies they feel lie prostrate in the street, do we step over each day? So caught up in our own concerns, our own routines, we forget that others exist. We acknowledge them cursorily, mechanically, and we move on. After all, how can we care for so many? And yet, how we find ourselves alone, hurt, and wondering where our support, our relief, where that hand reaching down is. When you turn the mirror, flip the coin, and see your own life from the outside, you realize that the hands you wanted to pick you up in your dark hours were the ones you stepped over, the ones you ignored all that time. It wasnt from malice, nor even really ignorance, but rather a lack of understanding. Only then do you realize the hurt you carry the person you pass carries as well. It is a mantle of thorns, worn differently for each, but tears into our flesh all the same. Some come to this point and despair, thinking that the heroes that we yearned for might not exist. And yet, it can begin with you. If you can find the strength, even amidst your own pain, to reach out to someone else, and pick them up, you might just find that as you support them, they support you as well. Together, each of your burdens is lightened. Ive said before that it is saving others that we ourselves are saved, and I still believe this to be true. Nothing is so liberating, so filling, so intoxicating as helping another. It is a fuel that fills the heart in ways no food can satisfy, nor any drink quench. It is a burden that bears you up and drags you down, an addiction that becomes all the more enrapturing the more its done. In the faces of those we help, those we save, we see ourselves, and in that moment, we find the one were really reaching our hand out to ourselves, troubled, shaking, and alone. To those people you pass, the ones so wrapped up in their own lives that they cant see you, I tell you stop them, talk to them. You will be amazed how a few words can change their world. You never know what troubles that person had been forced to keep bottled up inside. So many go through their day, hardly speaking to a person before going home to a house with no one but themselves, only to wake up and repeat the process. How much a simple conversation can change their outlook, and give them hope. It is such a small, tiny thing, and yet what a gift it is to others. Just remember, when are in pain, when you think yourself alone, the person next to you might be hurting just like you. If you reach out that hand to them, you might just find them reach back to you. X&V, K.D.S. Remember, remember, the gift of November, not toys, or candies or their lot. I see no reason the true meaning of the season should ever be forgot.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 06:33:50 +0000

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