If you go to church, look around you. What is the ratio of elderly - TopicsExpress


If you go to church, look around you. What is the ratio of elderly to young people? Of those young people, how many are there with their parents vs. how many come of their own accord? You can lament the loss of faith in the young, you can blame it on taking God out of schools and the ACLU tearing down the ten commandments at courthouses. Thats not why. The reason is this. Read this article. Think about it. This issue is about *letting* gay people help an organization that keeps children in impoverished, war-torn regions from dying of starvation. A large number of people who profess to be Christian would rather let children *starve to death* than let gay people help them. Ill repeat: They believe that it is better that children die a slow, lingering death of starvation and malnutrition, than they work with gay people to prevent it. One more time. DEAD CHILDREN > HELPFUL GAY PEOPLE I try not to invoke the True Scotsman fallacy, but I dont think its a fallacy here. If this is what you believe, you are not Christian. You follow something else and just call it Jesus.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 22:55:05 +0000

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