If you have good English communication skills, extensive research - TopicsExpress


If you have good English communication skills, extensive research and proficient writing experience, then you can earn Php 8,000 per month working from the comfort of your home. What exactly will you be doing? If you have significant experience in writing formal academic materials back in college, then you may be qualified to become our home based researcher/writer! STEP 1: APPLY NOW Junior Researcher/Writer = Php 8, 000 per month. Weekly quota is 20,000 to 25,000++ words of unique, top quality content that complies with all assigned task requirements and guidelines, including assigned submission schedules and daily email or SMS notifications. Completion deadline of each weekly batch of tasks is after every 5 to 6 days upon weekly task assignment (including Saturdays and Sundays). STEP 2: THE TEST Every writer would undergo to testing process. The test would consist of writing 5000 words within 12 hours. If you pass the test then that 5000 words would be carried on your weekly quotas. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 11 AM & Saturday 1PM IMPORTANT NOTE: The test will require you to follow a simple set of instructions to complete a small batch of research and writing tasks. You will be given a 12-hour window to complete the test and submit whatever you can complete 12 hours after the test was assigned to you. You need not be constantly online within this 12-hour window, because an important part that’s simulated by this test helps us determine if you can effectively manage your time to complete your tasks for us. STEP 3: Send an email to kzubiri15@gmail. *** IMPORTANT NOTE: Write your desired post and test schedule in the body of your email. Attach the latest copy of your CV to your email. *** IMPORTANT NOTE: We will respond to your application email in the next 1 to 3 business days. Please check your spam/bulk/junk folder, because our response may end up in your spam/junk/bulk folder. *** IMPORTANT NOTE: Now, here’s an example set of tasks that MAY be assigned to you once you qualify, and it would be best for you to read the things below, because many tips have been included, which could help you improve your chances of passing the test… STEP 4: SAMPLE TASKS and TIPS You MAY be assigned to write a 500++-word simple to follow, easy to understand guide on how to naturally lose weight. The things that you’re expected to do are the following: 1. Extensively research on the Internet about proven natural ways to lose weight. Substantial research sources may include specific daily dietary programs to naturally lose weight, daily exercise programs to naturally lose weight and build muscles, among other research sources that provide tips and techniques on how to naturally lose weight safely; 2. Carefully read and study those research materials. From your research sources, learn the most important things that a person looking for effective ways to naturally lose weight must know, in order to achieve his or her objectives, which is to naturally lose weight; 3. Develop an attention-grabbing title for your 500++-word guide. An attention-grabbing title instantly communicates the conviction of your guide to provide benefits that the target readers need. This means the target readers should instantly know what they can get right after reading your guide. For example, a good title for this guide is “How to Naturally Lose Weight in 8 Simple Steps”. 4. Formulate an outline for your 500++-word guide that will be simple for the target readers to follow and easy for them to understand. A good example outline for this guide is to briefly mention in the first and second paragraphs the eight specific ways that have been proven to help people naturally lose weight. Then: *** The next one to two paragraphs should discuss in more detail specific info about the first way to naturally lose weight. Afterwards: *** Do this with the 2nd to 8th ways to naturally lose weight. Place sub headers when necessary, in order for the target readers to have a quicker and easier time in reading and absorbing the information provided by your guide. Also: *** Keep in mind to always avoid writing overly general introductions like “In this day and age, modern technology has paved the way for…” or other phrases and sentences to that effect. Also avoid writing overly obvious, overly general and overly simple statements and information, because doing this will insult the intelligence of the target readers. And: *** Never write overly positive, overly negative and overly sales statements. Instead, always write in a formal, academic neutral tone. You should never sound like you’re selling something, or that you’re a big fan of a product or a manufacturer or a developer, or that you believe something is the best thing that ever happened to the universe since sliced bread. Remember: *** Saying that something has “the best features” or “the quickest and most stable performance” may not be always true for everyone else. This means always avoid using superlatives or adjectives. And: *** Always stick with discussing neutral and positive information about the topic. Always avoid discussing negative information about a topic, because doing so can make the target readers feel exhausted while reading your material, and they could abruptly stop reading your work… PAYMENT QUESTION After completing and submitting 2 weekly quota batches of tasks, our Q/A associates will use two to four business days to review your work. During this two to four-business day review period, revision requirements, if any, will be sent, along with the submission schedules for those revisions. ** IMPORTANT NOTE: Keep in mind that there is a 1-time revision policy, because our Q/A associates will be crystal clear in informing you about the exact revisions you need to do, and this is on top of the crystal clear guidelines and requirements we will send to you with each of your weekly batches of tasks. This means revision requirements, if any, will only be based on the original requirements that were assigned to you, and will NEVER be based on anything that is outside the scope of those original requirements. Then: After this two to four-business day review period or after you have completed all revision requirements, you will fill out an invoice template. Half of your monthly wages, which is equivalent to 2 weeks of weekly quota tasks, will be sent two to 4 banking days via PayPal, or 4 to 6 banking days via manual bank deposit. INCENTIVE: If you recommend others and they become part of the group then you would receive P500 each after three month of them working as part of the team. IF YOU HAVE FURTHER QUESTION THEN I COULD ANSWER YOUR QUESTION THROUGH EMAIL OR CONTACT US HERE .I ALSO ACCEPT BY GROUP/INDIVIDUAL/TEAM.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 09:49:10 +0000

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