If you have the desire to serve God you have found favor in His - TopicsExpress


If you have the desire to serve God you have found favor in His sight today! And said, My Lord, if I have now found favor in Your sight, do not pass on by Your servant. Genesis 18:3 NKJV Abraham saw three men. The Lord appeared to the man of faith. God gives us a snap shot of what He saw when He looked into Abraham’s heart. Abraham ran to meet the Lord in faith. He bowed before Almighty God in submission. Abraham suggests the Lord sit down to wash the desert dust from His feet. Abraham offers God a bite to eat so He can renew His strength. God was not tired. He did not need to rest. The Lord did not have dirty feet from walking through the dessert. He was not hungry. He did not need to eat to maintain His strength. This was not a chance encounter. God did not just happen to run into Abraham on the way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. God came to announce to Abraham and Sarah He would bless them with a son in their old age. The Lord met Abraham right where he was in a dessert wilderness. He gave Abraham an opportunity to serve Him. He allowed Abraham to provide Him with water. The Lord allowed Abraham to be a gracious host by offering Him a place to rest. He allowed Abraham to provide Him with a meal. He allowed Abraham to intercede for His nephew Lott and his family. The Lord is near to people who choose to serve Him today! God does not need anything we can offer to Him today. He does not need us to serve Him to bring about His good and perfect will on the Earth. God allows us to serve Him. He allows us to intercede for people who are committing all manner of wickedness. God is restoring broken hearts. He is restoring marriages, families and relationships today. He wants us to join Him in the great and mighty work He is doing today. I have a desire to serve God. Sometimes I think God has passed me by. I wonder if He will ever find me useful for ministry. I wonder if God has chosen me to be a vessel for noble purposes today. Perhaps you have had similar doubts. Maybe you believe God has passed you by. You may have wondered if your sins and failures have disqualified you from serving the Lord. God sees straight into your heart today. He knows the desires He put there. He knows the good works He has prepared you to walk in before the foundations of the world were laid. If your desire is to serve God and walk before Him with a pure heart He will not pass you by. If you have the desire to serve God for His glory and honor you have found favor in His sight today and everyday!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:15:53 +0000

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