If you have tried ending your life or what so ever Im always here - TopicsExpress


If you have tried ending your life or what so ever Im always here to listen, or if you get bullied Im here to help because its not right how people think its cool bullying others your here to live and be happy Once you take your life, that’s it. You have only one life. End it - and you’re done. You will never, ever get a second chance. That special person. The one who keeps you strong when nobody else does. The one who stands by you when everyone walks out. Imagine the pain, the sadness, the grief they would feel when you’re gone. Even if you don’t think you have a special person worth living for, you do. You just don’t know it yet. Death won’t relieve the pain. Killing yourself will NOT be a relief to the suffering. When you’re dead, you’re nothing. You no longer exist. If you want relief from your suffering, you have to choose to live. You have to reach out and find the courage to make tomorrow better than today. Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope and things will get better. You’re a strong person for living. It will get better, I promise. Remember, even the darkest hour only has 60 minutes. Stop focusing on the negatives, instead, look for the positive things in life. Do you have amazing friends? Are you good at an instrument? Remember, you’re here because a lady cared enough to bring you into this world. So embrace that, with both hands. All the memories, the laughs, the smiles and the hugs. What if you end up being the one that finds the cure for cancer? Or the one that discovers life on Mars? Or the one that ends up with the most amazing spouse and family? How will you ever know your true potential if you’re not there to experience it. All the people you will never meet, all the lives you won’t touch, all the souls you won’t inspire. The future is a mystery; don’t you want to discover its secrets? A smile is a curve that sets things straight. Without you, the world will have one less smile. Look at the children in Africa who are starving. Look at earthquake and tsunami victims who have lost everything. Look at the person next to you. Doesn’t their courage to live, their optimism and their hope inspire you to do the same? Waking up every morning and realising that it’s a new day. If you kill yourself, you will hurt so many people. Imagine how much guilt, grief and anguish you will cause your loved ones. Life is beautiful. Make the most of it. Stop thinking about what is wrong with your life and start thinking about the little things that make life great. How will the person who finds you dead feel? Do you really want to put them through that? Looking out the window and seeing the gentle breeze sway the trees. Stay strong. You are special. You are precious. You have still have so much to give. This is your story. Don’t end it so soon. Live it to the max and come out a fighter! If you kill yourself, you’ll just become another statistic. Choose to live and make a difference in this world. All those words you still haven’t said yet. You’re an amazing person. You’ve lived this long. Remember, every second is precious. Make the most of it. No one deserves to die. You were brought into this world to live. So LIVE! I’m begging you not to. It would break my heart. No one deserves to die. No one. Mostly an amazing humans like you When youre sad and depressed, I will be here to put a smile on your face. When youre angry and frustrated,I will be here to calm you down. When youre hurt and in tears, I will be here to wipe them away and mend the pain.When youre lonely and have no one, I will be here to comfort you. When youre feeling unloved and unwanted, I will be here to tell you how very important you are. When youre having a bad day and need to lash out, I will be here to let you let off steam, you can yell at me. When there is something on your mind that you need to say, I will be here to listen and understand. When youre lost in confusion, I will be here to help you figure things out. When you feel like youre going crazy, I will be here to bring you back to sanity. When you are so overwhelmed and need to get away, I will be here with open arms so we can run away together. When your scared and frightened, I will be here to protect you and make you feel safe. When you are full of worries, I will be here to worry with you. I promise that I will always be here for you, today, tomorrow and forever! Even to the people I dont know I am here and always will you all need love and respect Im just a message away so feel free to inbox me because Im going to always be here to listen 💕 your all beautiful in your own way 💕💕💕
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:20:13 +0000

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