If you have tried using the Law of Attraction, watched The Secret - TopicsExpress


If you have tried using the Law of Attraction, watched The Secret but had little success after etc., read this article. It may just provide you with the missing link. The Law of Attraction and the Buddhist You can use your mind to change your life. BY: Tara Springett, M.A. Many people have heard of the law of attraction and have tried using it to make their dreams come true. And many people, including myself, had spectacular success with this technique. Unfortunately, for many people this method does not seem to work and they become discouraged. From a Buddhist point of view, this lack of success is not surprising because many people are missing a decisive link to fulfill their wishes. What is the missing link that clarifies the law of attraction ? In my experience of working with this law for 25 years, the most important point is to work only with wishes that will definitely bring happiness. We probably all had the experience when we really wanted something only to find that it didnt suit us once we got it. So, what are these wishes that will always bring genuine happiness? The answer is only wishes that contain altruistic love for others will make us happy in the long-term. For example, if we wish for a soulmate and focus only on ourselves and our partner, there will be a great risk of picking the wrong person. But if we focus on how we want to benefit the whole world through the love and happiness we will generate in our relationship, our personal happiness will be an almost guaranteed by-product. The missing link of the law of attraction from a Buddhist point of view is the skill of bringing altruistic love into all of our dreams and wish to benefit others through the fulfillment of our own desires. Why is altruistic love so important? Manifesting our dreams by using the power of our mind only works if we can clear out our unconscious mind from all our deep-seated resistance. Doing this is not easy, because our unconscious mind is simply not accessible for most of us. However, if we pursue our personal wishes with an altruistic motivation, we will automatically clear out our unconscious mind of all our hidden blocks that would otherwise sabotage our manifesting practice. Let me explain: Unconscious guilt feelings One of the biggest barriers to manifesting our dreams are unconscious guilt feelings. As long as these feelings are not thoroughly dealt with our wish cannot manifest. Being loving and altruistic is one of the easiest ways to let go of this unconscious guilt and feel more deserving. It works because everybody feels more deserving if they are motivated by love. On the other hand, no amount of affirmations and trying to feel more deserving can replace an altruistic motivation, because these methods simply cannot reach into our unconscious mind. Craving and greed The second biggest barrier to manifesting our dreams is craving and greed. Every time we succumb to frustration when we do not get what we want fast enough, we weaken our wish-power. But if we can combine our wishes with a genuine altruistic motivation we will experience much less craving. And that, in turn, will make us much more successful in attracting people who will help us, lucky opportunities and finally the manifestation of our aim. Resentment Another major obstacle is resentment. It may seem puzzling, but if we hold grudges against only one single person, it will stand in the way of manifesting our dreams. Grudges and other strong negative emotions need to be removed before we can become successful with the law of attraction. Yet again, pursuing our dreams with a loving motivation will help us to overcome this obstacle, as well. Set-backs Yet another typical stumbling block is dealing with set-backs. Sadly, many people are quick to believe that their wish was not meant to be once they encounter a few major set-backs. Unfortunately, they dont realise that it is they themselves who are in charge about what is meant to be or not. If we delegate our power to any other force other than ourselves we will greatly weaken our creative strength. Working with our chakras Our reality starts with the state of chakras the energy centers along our spine. They work like a film projector and project our inner reality into the outside world. Through focusing on our chakras with love, we can clear them out of all our negative thoughts and emotions. Then we need to charge them up through intensive focus and in that way we can create our own personal reality. By having a loving motivation and working with our chakras we can manifest the most spectacular dreams. And, what is even more important, we can grow on our spiritual path simultaneously. Tara Springett is the author of Advanced Manifesting Tibetan Buddhist Secrets for Fulfilling your Dreams
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 12:54:50 +0000

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