If you havent seen this video of the 44 year-old mother of six - TopicsExpress


If you havent seen this video of the 44 year-old mother of six recently smashing the womens Beer Mile World record, youve got to. A beer mile consists of chugging a beer and then running a lap, repeating the whole process four times. Chris Kimbrough ran a 6:38, including 72 seconds of beer chugging (averaging 18 seconds per can), making her mile of running equal to 5:26 - with a belly full of bubbly beer! Only those that have attempted such a feat can truly understand how difficult/gross it feels to run with that much carbon dioxide in your stomach, trust me. For perspective, Lance Armstrong tried it a few days after and only made it one lap...
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:12:14 +0000

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