If you or anyone you see is looking the other way in response to - TopicsExpress


If you or anyone you see is looking the other way in response to the acts of terror in the past few weeks, please send them this: If you encourage the murder of civilians in order to promote political goals in response to actions taken by a government, you are, by definition, encouraging terrorism. When you say that the murder of the four Jews by Palestinians on Tuesday was justified as a response to the actions of the Israeli government, you are, by definition, encouraging terrorism. Killing civilians is not a way to promote political goals, but unfortunately the president of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas commends, encourages, and compensates acts of terror on Israeli citizens in his people. (For more on this go to palwatch.org) Israel has never intentionally killed civilians, and that is a fact. In fact the Israeli Defense Force will abort a missions if it finds civilians in the area. (For more on this watch this video: https://youtube/watch?v=PuL-OA84p54) Its also important to note that the PA does not just want to end the occupation of lands in the West Bank. In reality Mahmoud Abbas does not want to help the refugees in his land either. What he really wants is to destroy Israel and declare a state of Palestine in its place. We know this, because he and his government has said this on multiple occasions in the past. (For more on this go to palwatch.org) By contrast, all Israel wants is peace and security for its people, but it cant have security in the West Bank with Mahmoud Abbas spreading hatred and terrorism. Israel is willing to concede a great deal of land if it can be assured peace, but the terror incidents in the past are not a great sign that this is possible. Now, I dont deny that there are things Israel should change about its policies in the West Bank, but in the grand scheme of things Israel is not the problem. The facts on the ground are these. The Palestinian Authority promotes terrorism. Israel does not. The Palestinian Authority spreads hatred of Jews. Israel does not spread hatred of Muslims, and in fact has a large Muslim population. The nation of Israel wants peace, the Palestinian Authority does not. I know that in the future, when Israel has a suitable peace partner in the West Bank and Gaza, when Mahmoud Abbas stops paying his people to commit terror, when he stops naming schools for terrorists, when Mahmoud Abbas adopts policies of peace, when he can ensure that innocent children will not be run over at train stations and Jews will not be stabbed for simply praying in a synagogue, then, I know, we will have peace.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 06:09:48 +0000

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